From Ukn Jul 14 12:03:28 1993 Return-Path: Received: by (5.65c/Spike-2.0) id AA20707; Wed, 14 Jul 1993 12:02:11 -0400 Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 12:02:11 -0400 From: palmer (Kent D Palmer) Message-Id: <> To: Subject: philosophy:morville Status: RO X-Status: A Directory of Philosophy Related Resources on the Internet by Peter Morville School of Information and Library Studies University of Michigan April 24, 1993 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Acknowledgments 3. Index to the Resources 4. The Resources A. Ethics B. Religion C. Science / Philosophy of Science D. Specific Philosophers E. Philosophy Societies / Groups F. General Philosophy 5. Appendices A. Key to Indexing and Terminology B. Unconfirmed Listservs C. References Introduction A Directory of Philosophy Related Resources on the Internet This directory of philosophy related resources available on the Internet was developed as part of an independent study project at the University of Michigan's School of Information and Library Studies. The driving concept behind the creation of this directory was that access to and use of the available resources could be improved through subject-oriented organization. As with most if not all directories on the Internet, this should be considered a "work in progress." First of all, time limitations combined with the immense and decentralized nature of the Internet virtually guarantee that no directory will be comprehensive. I am sure that there are numerous philosophy related resources available on the Internet which I did not find. Additionally, I do not have complete information for many of the resources which I did find. Secondly, the Internet is an extremely dynamic environment. New resources are added daily and existing resources are changed or removed. For this reason many of the resources listed in this directory may change or disappear and new resources will appear in their place. I do not intend to maintain this directory since philosophy is not one of my primary interests. However, I would be very happy to see someone else take on the job. If you are interested in doing so, please contact me ( and I will provide any necessary background information and permissions. The Internet Resources Discovery Project When I began this project I had relatively little Internet experience and my knowledge of philosophy was limited to that gained in a couple of undergraduate college courses. While I still find myself lost in discussions of metaethics and objectivism, I feel that I have learned a great deal about how to use the Internet for information navigation and retrieval. My project leader helped me to get started by giving me a few of the major lists of Listservs. Advice regarding the types and formats of information which might be useful to researchers was provided by my Graduate Library selector. I began by subscribing to a number of Listservs and later to a collection of Usenet groups. I spent the first few weeks of the project "lurking" on the Internet. I was able to expand my initial list of Usenet groups and Listservs by watching for cross postings or mention of other groups. After a couple of weeks, I finally plucked up the courage to make my first posting to a Usenet group. I was pleasantly surprised by the positive responses I received. I soon learned that the most valuable resources on the Internet are the people. Acknowledgments I would like to thank Louis Rosenfeld for making this project possible and for sharing his knowledge of the Internet with me. I'd like to thank Barbara Beaton for helping me to better define my criteria for inclusion of resources. I would also like to thank the following people for responding to my requests for information: Charles Creegan, Mark Peterson, Brian Yoder, Arno Wouters, Stephen Clark, Scott Stebelman, Linda Lopez McAlister, Ari Santas, Bob Stubblefield, Lawrence Stepelevich, Tim Maletic, and Teri Harrison. It's people like this that make the Internet such an interesting and friendly place. Index to the Resources A) Ethics 1. Biomedical Ethics 2. Business Ethics Computer Network 3. The Center for Professional and Applied Ethics Forum 4. Discussion of Ethics in Computing 5. Ethics Discussion Forum (Archives) B) Religion 6. Buddhist Discussion Group 7. Islamic Discussion Forum 8. Pagan Religion and Philosophy 9. Philosophy and Religion 10. Philosophy, Religion, and Society 11. The Postmodern Jewish Philosophy Electronic Journal 12. Religions Discussion Group 13. Religious and Philosophical Studies C) Science / Philosophy of Science 14. Artificial Intelligence 15. Biosphere Discussion Forum 16. Cryonic Suspension 17. Discussion of Scientific Fraudulence 18. General Philosophy of Science Discussion Group 19. Geodesic 20. History of Philosophy of Science Discussion List 21. History and Philosophy of Science and Science Teaching Discussion List 22. Mind Machine Digest 23. Parapsychology 24. Philosophical and Technical Aspects of PDP Systems 25. Philosophy of Science 26. Principia Cybernetica Project Discussion 27. Skeptic 28. Society for Literature and Science 29. Technical Philosophy of Science 30. Thinknet Newsletter 31. Urantia D) Specific Philosophers 32. Ayn Rand Philosophy E-conference 33. David Hume Discussion List 34. Hegel Society E-conference 35. Jacques Derrida and Deconstruction E) Philosophy Societies / Groups 36. Academic Philosophy 37. American Philosophical Association 38. Australasian Philosophy Forum 39. Noble Savage Philosophers E-conference 40. Post Modern Culture Discussion Group 41. Society for Women in Philosophy Discussion List 42. UK Philosophers F) General Philosophy 43. Arts and Humanities 44. Communication and Theory Network 45. Consciousness Discussion Group 46. Educational Philosophy 47. Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy 48. New ways of Thinking E-conference 49. Objectivism Discussion Group 50. Objectivism Discussion Group (Archive) 51. Philosophy Discussion Group 52. Philosophy of Communication 53. Psyche Journal of Research on Consciousness 54. Qualitative Research 55. Skepticism Discussion Group The Resources A) Ethics Number: 1 Title: Biomedical Ethics Listname: biomed-l@ndsuvm1.bitnet, Level: Academic Moderator: (Bill Sklar) Archived: ? Description: Since the field of medicine and medical technology are rapidly changing and the field is so broad, it is difficult to have clearly delineated rules as to what should and should not be discussed, but possible topics might include: Paternalism, Fetal Cell Transplant, The Right to Die, AIDS, Suicide, Patient Autonomy, Abortion, Drug Legalization, Euthanasia, Respirator Withdrawal, Transplants, Allocation of scarce resources and many others too numerous to list here. The discussions may be ethical, philosophical, religious, political, social or even, in some cases, personal. Number: 2 Title: Business Ethics Computer Network Listname: buseth-l@ubvm.bitnet Level: Academic Moderator: (selective) Archived: ? Description: A forum for the discussion of ethical issues in business. Number: 3 Title: The Center for Professional and Applied Ethics Forum Listname: Level: Academic Moderator: (selective) Archived: ? Description: An academic forum for the discussion of issues related to professional and applied ethics. Number: 4 Title: Discussion of Ethics in Computing Listname: ethics-l@dearn.bitnet Level: Academic Moderator: ? Archived: ? Description: A discussion of ethical issues which pertain to computers, networks, and the general use of information technology. It sometimes strays rather far into general ethical chat for want of any distinctively computer-oriented problem, but often does uncover a genuine issue. Recent material has been about confidentiality of e-mail communications. Number: 5 Title: Ethics Discussion Forum (Archives) Gopher: Michigan State University Path: /news and weather/usenet news/bit/listserv/ethics-l Description: A forum for the discussion of ethics in general. Tends to focus on ethics in the electronic environment. Topics such as computer crime and the privacy of electronic mail are discussed. B) Religion Note: A tremendous number of religion related resources exist on the Internet. In this directory, I have only included those resources which take a philosophical approach to religion. For an extensive directory of religion related resources on the Internet see Michael Strangelove's Electric Mystic's Guide to the Internet available via anonymous FTP. Host: Path: /pub/religion. Number: 6 Title: Buddhist Discussion Group Listname:, buddha- l@ulkyvm.bitnet Level: Academic Moderator: jacocks@ulkyvm.bitnet Archived: ? Description: An electronic discussion group formed towards the end of providing a means for those interested in Buddhist Studies to exchange information and views. It is hoped that the group will function as an open forum for scholarly discussion of topics relating to the history, literature and languages, fine arts, philosophy, and institutions of all forms of Buddhism. It may also serve as a forum for discussion of issues connected to the teaching of Buddhist studies at the university level, and as a place for posting notices of employment opportunities. The primary purpose of this list is to provide a forum for serious academic discussion. It is open to all persons inside and outside the academic context who wish to engage in substantial discussion of topics relating to Buddhism and Buddhist studies. BUDDHA- L is not to be used for proselytizing for or against Buddhism in general, any particular form of Buddhism, or any other religion or philosophy, nor is it to be used as a forum for making unsubstantiable confessions of personal conviction. Number: 7 Title: Islamic Discussion Forum Listname: islam-l@ulkyvm.bitnet Level: Academic Moderator: jacock01@ulkyvm.bitnet (James Cocks) Archived: No. Description: A non-sectarian forum for discussion, debate, and the exchange of information by students and scholars of the history of Islam. ISLAM-L is ready to distribute newsletters from study groups, and to post announcements of meetings and calls for papers, short scholarly pieces, queries, and other items of interest. Number: 8 Title: Pagan Religion and Philosophy Listname: pagan@drycas.bitnet, pagan- Level: ? Moderator: (Stacey Greenstein) Archived: ? Description: A conference for the discussion of the religion and philosophy of Paganism. Number: 9 Title: Philosophy and Religion Gopher: University of Michigan Library Gopher Path: /humanities resources/philosophy and religion Description: Provides an automated connection to the American Philosophical Association bulletin board. Provides access to the Postmodern Culture Ejournal and information about the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen. Number: 10 Title: Philosophy, Religion, and Society Listname: philrelsoc@hampvms.bitnet Level: Conversational Moderator: ? Archived: ? Description: So far it has been an analytic philosophy debate forum, but philosophically informed articles dealing with society and religion are welcomed. Number: 11 Title: The Postmodern Jewish Philosophy Electronic Journal Subscribe: Send an electronic letter to pochs@drew.bitnet introducing yourself and asking to join. (Peter Ochs) Frequency: About Three times per year. Back Issues: Hardcopies for $10 per volume. Contact Peter Ochs. Description: An electronic newsletter/journal of postmodern Judaism, philosophically considered, dedicated both to a philosophic review of the postmodern Jewish discourses and to postmodern reflections on the variety of Jewish philosophies and Jewish philosophic theologies. Number: 12 Title: Religions Discussion Group Listname: Level: Academic Moderator: tbry@harvarda.bitnet, (Tim Bryson) Archived: ? Description: Religion is a Listserv list for the scholarly discussion of Religions. It is sponsored by the Harvard Center for the Study of World Religions. Unlike lists with similar names, Religion does not deal with matters of personal faith or theology. Rather, it's aim is to encourage discussion of the historical and comparative study and teaching of religions. Relevant approaches include history, sociology, psychology, philosophy, literary criticism, and anthropology. Relevant issues include methodology in the study and teaching of religions comparative themes such as myth, ritual, mysticism, community, and inter-religious contact; and issues specific to particular traditions. Number: 13 Title: Religious and Philosophical Studies Gopher: North Carolina State University Library Gopher Path: /library without walls/discipline specific study carrels Description: Provides an automated connection to the American Philosophical Association bulletin board as well as a number of searchable electronic texts. C) Science / Philosophy of Science Number: 14 Title: Artificial Intelligence Usenet: Description: The discussion focuses around consciousness with respect to computers, humans, and animals. Topics include animal consciousness, functionalism, materialism, complexity and emergence, and the computational metaphor. Number: 15 Title: Biosphere Discussion Forum Listname: biosph-l@ubvm.bitnet, Level: ? Moderator: v184gavw@ubvms.bitnet, (Dave Phillips) Archived: Monthly Description: A forum for discussion of anything relating to the biosphere, pollution, CO-2 effect, ecology, habitats, climate, etc. Basically anything that exerts an influence of some kind or another on the BioSphere. Number: 16 Title: Cryonic Suspension Listname: Level: Academic Moderator: (Kevin Brown) Archived: ? Description: Cryonic suspension is an experimental procedure whereby patients who can no longer be kept alive with today's medical abilities are preserved at low temperatures for treatment in the future. This list is a forum for topics related to cryonics, which include biochemistry of memory, low temperature biology, legal status of cryonics and cryonically suspended people, nanotechnology and cell repair machines, philosophy of identity, mass media coverage of cryonics, new research and publications, conferences, and local cryonics group meetings. Number: 17 Title: Discussion of Scientific Fraudulence Listname: scifraud@albnyvm1.bitnet Level: Conversational Moderator: ? Archived: ? Description: Fairly active discussion group covering wide range of topics loosely tied to scientific fraudulence. Discussion of academic funding and grants. Number: 18 Title: General Philosophy of Science Discussion Group Usenet: sci.philosophy Description: A forum for general discussion on the philosophy of science. Number: 19 Title: Geodesic Listname: geodesic@ubvm.bitnet Level: Conversational Moderator: (Patricia Salsbury) Archived: ? Description: This list is for the discussion of Buckminster Fuller, his works and his philosophies on life, the universe, and everything. For those of you who don't know, Bucky is the person who invented the Geodesic Dome, which is what we all played on as children in the playground (the domes with all the triangles, remember?). Another example of geodesic architecture is the giant white sphere at Disney World's "Epcot Center". Of course, Bucky did a LOT more than just invent the Geodesic Dome! He invented other means of housing people cheaply, efficiently, comfortably, and basically anywhere in the world! (Yes, even on the oceans!) So if you're interested in discussing Bucky, learning more about him, or finding out about 8500 ft. high pyramidal cities that float in the ocean and house 1,000,000 people comfortably (2000 sq ft. apartments with 1000 sq ft. extra patio/garden space), or 1+ mile diameter spherical cities that float in the air *without power*, then sign up on the list! Number: 20 Title: History of Philosophy of Science Discussion List Listname: hopos-l@ukcc.bitnet Level: ? Moderator: (Don Howard) Archived: ? Description: The History of Philosophy of Science Discussion List has been established in conjunction with the new History of Philosophy of Science Working Group (HOPOS) as a forum for the exchange of information, ideas, queries, job notices, course syllabi, conference announcements, and other news of interest to scholars. Number: 21 Title: History and Philosophy of Science and Science Teaching Discussion List Listname: hpsst-l@qucdn.bitnet Level: Conversational Moderator: ? Archived: ? Description: The broad purpose of this group is to foster collaboration in exploring ways in which the 'social studies' of science, including, history, philosophy, psychology and sociology of science has, and can contribute to the preparation of science teachers, the development of curricula, the enhancement of science education, and the development of a more scientifically literate community by making science and technology more accessible and attractive not only to young people but also to the public at large. Number: 22 Title: MindMachine Digest Listname: mind-l@yorkvm1.bitnet Level: Academic Moderator: Dana Nibby Archived: ? Description: MindMachine Digest is a list devoted to discussions on the use, construction, and future potential of mind machines. Mind machines are electronic devices or methods that non-invasively alter human consciousness. Other topics of discussion can include: meditation, accelerated learning, hypnosis, float tanks, and other methods of altering consciousness. A strong emphasis is placed on the scientific study of these methods as well as the construction of mind machines devices. Number: 23 Title: Parapsychology Listname: psi-l@rpicicge.bitnet Level: ? Moderator: bgeer@hampvms.bitnet (Ben Geer) Archived: ? Description: A forum for discussing experiences, questions, ideas, or research having to do with parapsychology (e.g. ESP, out-of-body experiences, dream experiments, and altered states of consciousness). We are especially interested in hearing about personal experiences, and considering why and how these different phenomena happen, the connections between them, how to bring them about, and what psychological or philosophical implications they have. Number: 24 Title: Philosophical and Technical Aspects of PDP Systems Listname: Level: Academic Moderator: Archived: ? Description: A moderated list which is dedicated to the Philosophical/Technical aspects of PDP systems. The philosophical focus is fairly advanced. As such, PHIL-L is not suitable for those who are just learning about connectionist systems. Number: 25 Title: Philosophy of Science Usenet: sci.philosophy.meta Description: This general philosophy discussion forum covers such topics as induction, chaos theory, foundationalism, holism, metaethics, consciousness, and Ayn Rand. Number: 26 Title: Principia Cybernetica Project Discussion Listname: prncyb@bingvmb.bitnet Level: Conversational Moderator: (Cliff Josslyn) Archived: ? Description: The style here is for long papers to be posted and then criticised by whoever wishes a word. Memes, cognition, sociobiological explanations of altruism have been recent topics. Number: 27 Title: Skeptic Listname: skeptic@yorkvm1.bitnet Level: Academic Moderator: gall@yunexus.bitnet (Norman R. Gall) Archived: WeeklyDescription: This list is for the critical and rigorous exchange of information regarding claims of the paranormal. It is designed for philosophers, psychologists, natural and biological scientists and writers to take a 'skeptical' and scientifically informed look at topics such as creationism, health fraud, witchcraft, and crypto-zoology. Number: 28 Title: Society for Literature and Science Listname: litsci-l@uiucvmd.bitnet Level: ? Moderator: jamato@uiucvmd.bitnet, (Joe Amato) Archived: Monthly Description: A philosophical and technological discussion of literature and science. Number: 29 Title: Technical Philosophy of Science Usenet: Description: A fairly academic discussion of various philosophical areas. Topics covered include animal consciousness, atheism, infinity, and morality. Number: 30 Title: Thinknet Newsletter Subscribe: Send "subscribe THINKNET your_name, your_internet address" to Frequency: Irregular. Back Issues: ? Description: An electronic newsletter on philosophy, systems theory, interdisciplinary studies, and thoughtful conversation in cyberspace. Number: 31 Title: Urantia Listname: urantial@uafsysb.bitnet Level: Conversational (High Volume) Moderator: ? Archived: ftp to (pub/urantia) Description: The perspective of the e-conference is holistic. Contributions are welcomed from the full scope of scientific and theological perspectives as long as they serve to enhance our understanding of ourselves and pertain constructively to the conceptual framework of the URANTIA material. The goal of this e-conference is to utilize _The URANTIA Book_ to gain integration of knowledge and consolidation of worldviews toward an improved life for all on Earth. D) Specific Philosophers Number: 32 Title: Ayn Rand Philosophy E-conference Listname: ayn-rand@ua1vm.bitnet Level: Academic Moderator: (selective) Archived: ? Description: A low volume discussion of objectivist philosophy. It sometimes publishes lengthy reviews and discussions of Rand's work. Number: 33 Title: David Hume Discussion List Listname: hume-l@wmvm1.bitnet Level: Academic Moderator: ? Archived: ? Description: A discussion of topics of interest to students and scholars of the philosophy and writings of David Hume. Number: 34 Title: Hegel Society E-conference Listname: hegel@villvm.bitnet Level: Academic Moderator: stepelev@vuvaxcom.bitnet (selective) Archived: Monthly Description: A low volume discussion list for Hegelians to exchange ideas and news. Number: 35 Title: Jacques Derrida and Deconstruction Listname: derrida@cfrvm.bitnet Level: Academic (High Volume) Moderator: ? Archived: ? Description: A discussion list for those interested in the philosophical, literary, and political importance of deconstruction and specifically the work of Jacques Derrida. E) Philosophy Societies / Groups Number: 36 Title: Academic Philosophy Listname: philosop@yorkvm1.bitnet Level: Academic Moderator: (P.A. Danielson) Archived: Monthly Description: Academic philosophy e-conference and file server. The files posted by subscribers can be of all sorts: work in progress, comments thereon, advertisements for conferences, newsletters, journals, or associations, job postings, conditional agreements on social action. The items on the board have to have some connection with academic philosophy; but that's not interpreted narrowly. Number: 37 Title: American Philosophical Association Telnet:, login as 'apa'. Description: The official electronic bulletin board of the American Philosophical Association which is provided as a service to APA members. It includes information on philosophical societies, a calendar of events, the emai addresses of the membership, directories of philosophy related computer resources, and information on bibliographies and journals. Number: 38 Title: Australasian Philosophy Forum Listname: Level: Conversational Moderator: (selective) Archived: ? Description: APF is maintained by the Philosophy Program, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University. It carries announcements, distributes work in progress, open letters, job announcements, informal reviews and discussions, course proposals, requests for references, etc. To join the forum send name, e-mail address, institutional affiliation (if any), and principal fields of interest to: Number: 39 Title: Noble Savage Philosophers E-conference Listname: nsp-l@rpiecs.bitnet Level: Academic Moderator: userf98f@rpitsmts.bitnet (Barry Floyd) Archived: Monthly Description: An open discussion group concerned with most philosophical issues and topics. Topics range from the exotic to the pragmatic and all are encouraged to start new topics. This is a highly conversational and argumentative list which is nonetheless polite and helpful. Most of the members are from North America, and a lot of them are postgraduate students, not necessarily of philosophy. Number: 40 Title: Post Modern Culture Discussion Group Listname: pmc-talk@ncsuvm.bitnet Level: Conversational Moderator: ? Archived: ? Description: An open discussion group which accompanies Postmodern Culture: an electronic journal of interdisciplinary criticism. Number: 41 Title: Society for Women in Philosophy Discussion List Listname: swip-l@cfrvm.bitnet Level: Conversational (High Volume) Moderator: dllafaa@cfrvm.bitnet (Linda McAlister) (selective) Archived: Monthly Description: The messages on the list are mostly informational in nature--calls for papers in feminist philosophy, announcements of SWIP meetings and other conferences, requests for references or information. We also maintain a SWIP-L file of course syllabi in feminist philosophy retrievable by the list members. The list is an appropriate place for substantive discussion of issues and controversies within feminist philosophy. Number: 42 Title: UK Philosophers Listname: Level: Academic Moderator: (Stephen Clark) Archived: ? Description: E-conference for philosophers (waged or unwaged) in the United Kingdom to discuss matters of mutual concern, and to encourage other such philosophers to meet in the High Country of computer-mail. F) General Philosophy Discussion Lists Number: 43 Title: Arts and Humanities Gopher: University of San Francisco Path: /the researcher/arts and humanities Description: Provides an automated telnet connection to the American Philosophical Association bulletin board and access to a number of searchable texts. Number: 44 Title: Communication and Theory Network Listname: crtnet@psuvm.bitnet Level: Conversational Moderator: t3b@psuvm.bitnet (Tom Benson) Archived: ? Description: Discusses all aspects of human communication. Number: 45 Title: Consciousness Discussion Group Usenet: alt.consciousness Description: This discussion of consciousness covers spirituality, enlightenment, mind control, hypnosis, and linear thinking. Number: 46 Title: Educational Philosophy Listname: philosed@suvm.bitnet Level: Academic Moderator: Thomas Green Archived: ? Description: A list for those interested in discussing issues in educational philosophy. Most of the subscribers teach philosophy of education courses in teacher and school administrator preparation programs. Number: 47 Title: Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy Subscribe: Send "ejap subcription" to Frequency: Irregular Back Issues: None Description: The Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy is a blind peer-reviewed electronic journal for the publication of articles and reviews (in English) relevant to analytic philosophy both as a historical movement and as a current program. Number: 48 Title: New ways of Thinking E-conference Listname: fnord-l@ubvm.bitnet Level: Conversational Moderator: (Patrick G. Salsbury) Archived: Weekly Description: Very generic philosophy related listserv with widely varying subject matter and quality Number: 49 Title: Objectivist Philosophy Discussion Group Usenet: alt.philosophy.objectivism Description: This newsgroup discusses topics such as objectivism in science and math, emotions, rationality, and Ayn Rand. Number: 50 Title: Objectivist Philosophy Discussion Group (Archive) Gopher: North Carolina State University Library Gopher Path: /reference desk/usenet news/alt Description: A gopherized archive of the Usenet newsgroup 'alt.philosophy.objectivism' which discusses topics such as objectivism in science and math, emotions, rationality, and Any Rand. Number: 51 Title: Philosophy Discussion Group Usenet: talk.philosophy.misc Description: A forum for the discussion of philosophy that ranges widely in content and quality. Topics include atheism, abortion, politics, determinism, quantum mechanics and Zen. Number: 52 Title: Philosophy of Communication Listname: philcomm@rpiecs.bitnet Level: Academic Moderator: support@rpiecs.bitnet (selective) Archived: No Description: This e-conference offers a forum for the discussion of the philosophy of communication. Number: 53 Title: Psyche Journal of Research on Consciousness Subscribe: Send "subscribe psyche-l firstname lastname" to listserv@nki.bitnet. Frequency: Irregular Back Issues: Available via anonymous FTP Contact Patrick Wilken ( Description: A refereed electronic journal dedicated to supporting the interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness and its relation to the brain. Psyche publishes material relevant to that exploration from the perspectives afforded by the disciplines of cognitive science, philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and anthropology. Number: 54 Title: Qualitative Research Listname: qualrs-l@uga.bitnet Level: Conversational Moderator: ? Archived: ? Description: A discussion list for those interested in qualitative research, especially in education. The list was started as a medium for discussion because of the current "paradigm war" in educational research between those who insist on a positivist, verificationist approach to research and those who either eschew this approach all together or combine it with a more phenomenological approach. The issues on this list are actually more diverse. Number: 55 Title: Skepticism Discussion Group Usenet: sci.skeptic Description: This wide ranging discussion covers topics such as skepticism, afrocentrism, racism, male dominance, and religion. Key to Indexing and Terminology Listservs A. Title The titles are meant to suggest the subject matter of the Listservs. Most of the titles were assigned by the creators of the Listservs. Where such titles were not available, I have added descriptive titles. B. Listname and Address The listname often indicates the subject matter of the Listservs and is also the first component of the address. Examine skeptic@yorkvm1.bitnet for example. The entire phrase is the address to which submissions to the Listservs should be made. The first phrase, skeptic, is the listname. C. Level of Discussion / Volume 1. Academic: High quality discussion which is academic in nature. 2. Conversational: Discussion which ranges from academic to personal. 3. Personal: Wide ranging level and scope of discussion which includes personal opinions and emotional outbursts or flames. 4. Volume: In order to give some idea of the volume of the Listservs, I have added a (High Volume) to indicate a high volume Listservs (more than 5 postings per day on average). Please note that volume fluctuates from week to week and month to month. D. Moderator The moderator is the person responsible for the administration of the Listservs. The level of moderation may range from passive observation to active quality control of the content of the Listservs. If you have questions about the Listservs which are not answered in the FAQ (frequently asked questions document), the moderator is often a good person to ask. In some cases, Listservs are not open for automatic subscription. To subscribe to one of these Listservs, you proceed as usual by sending a subscribe message to the Listservs. At this point, a message will be forwarded to the moderator (or listowner) indicating that you wish to subscribe. You must them send email to this person explaining why you wish to join the Listservs. While the process of subscribing to these Listservs is a little more involved, the content of discussions is often of excellent quality. I have labeled such Listservs as "selective." E. Archived Some Listservs are archived on a weekly or monthly basis. You can perform keyword searches on these archives to retrieve information of interest. F. Description of Listservs In many cases, these descriptions have been obtained directly from the moderators or Listservs themselves. Other descriptions have been taken from previously compiled directories of Listservs. In such cases, I have made every attempt to credit the source. Finally, I have added my own descriptions when possible. Gophers A. Title Titles were assigned by me in an attempt to give readers an idea of the relevant subject content of that gopher. B. Gopher The gopher name is the same as you will see when browsing through the listing of gophers on the Internet. C. Path This is the directory path that you must traverse to access the information. D. Description I tried to give a general idea of the content of each gopher. On the whole, I did not find many potentially useful resources in gophers. However, the numbers of gophers and the quantity of information within each is growing rapidly. I expect more resources to be available in this form in the near future. Electronic Journals A. Title In most cases I have used the name of the journal for the title. If I felt that the title did not suggest the subject matter of the journal, I assigned a more descriptive one for access purposes. B. Subscription Information Subscriptions to most electronic journals are free. Usually you need only to send a subscribe request to a Listservs or to the editor. Whenever possible I have described who to contact for subscription information. C. Frequency In my experience, most electronic journals are published fairly sporadically. I have included any mention of frequency made by the publishers of each journal. D. Back Issues Back issues of electronic journals are usually available in electronic or hard copy form. You can usually contact the editor to find out how to obtain back issues. E. Description Most of the descriptions were written by the editors of the journals. Usenet Groups A. Title I assigned titles in order to enhance subject access to these news groups. B. Usenet Name This is the name of the Usenet group as you will see it on the Internet. C. Description I sampled each news group for a number of weeks and tried to encapsulate the content of each in a short description. Please be aware that the content matter and quality of news groups can change dramatically over time. Unconfirmed Listservs Due to time constraints, I was unable to confirm the following list of Listservs. This illustrates the point that no directory of Internet resources is ever really finished. I am sure that I have completely missed a number of resources and that new resources will continue to be produced and made available. Mind-Brain Discussion Group brain-l@McGill.bitnet Information Studies Philosophical Discussion List infostdy@suvm.bitnet Post-Modern Culture List pmc-list@ncsuvm.bitnet Social Organization of Knowledge socorg-k@utoronto.bitnet Stony Brook Feminist Philosophy Mailing List femsem@sbccvm.bitnet References The following guides and directories provided me with a great deal of information regarding the location, content, and quality of many of the resources included in this directory. I would like to thank the creators of these extremely useful resources for all of the hard work they must have put into them. Bailey, Charles W., Jr., Library-Oriented Computer Conferences and Electronic Serials, January, 1993. Source: PACS-L listserv. Bradley, Michael T. Jr., Lists in Review Number 8, November 1992. Source: available via anonymous ftp from in the directory /pub/religion as the file lists-in-review-8.txt. Clark, Stephen, Computers and Texts 3, 1992. Source: contact the author ( Kovacs, Diane, Diane Kovacs' Directory, 1992. Source: send command "get acadlist readme f=mail" to listserv@kentvm.bitnet. Stebelman, Scott, Electronic Communication and the Humanities Scholar, February 1993. Source: available via anonymous ftp from as the file bitwork.fac. Strangelove, Michael, Directory of Electronic Journals and Newsletters, Edition 2.1, July 1992. Source: send comands "get ejournl1 directry" and "get ejournl2 directry" to listserv@uottawa.bitnet. Wouters, Arno, Short List of Philosophy Related Listservs Compiled Using WAIS, 1992. Source: contact the author ( Yanoff, Scott, Special Internet Connections, November 1992. Source: finger to find ways to receive this list.