I'm in the process of moving Chaos Control to a new server, so it will be down for a week or two. After the first week of February, it will be at http://www.nettfriends.com/~bob/. Yes, that's part of the Nettwerk server - I work for them now programming enhanced CDs. Among the releases we have coming up are discs for Skinny Puppy and Delerium. For those of you in the music industry, we also do multimedia work for other companies. Check out our web site at http://www.nettmedia.com/.

The new Chaos Control site is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 2.x and the Shockwave plug-in. Download Shockwave from http://www.macromedia.com/.

Thank for you for your interest.

Bob Gourley

Chaos Control Digizine
