Mayday -- 1971

If the government won't stop the war, then the people will stop the government

That was the organizer's slogan about Mayday, as I recall.

I also recall that Mayday was built up by antiwar rallies in Washington for a least one week before May 1, the anniversary of Cambodia and the traditional peoples' holiday. When did you arrive for Mayday? Despite its lengthy buildup, it was neutralized by an unprecedented sweep by the police and National Guard. Everyone who happened to be outdoors at 8AM on May 1 was immediately placed under arrest. It was better organized than the sweeps instigated by most totalitarian regimes. It may have been illegal, but it assured the government's victory. The next day's headlines read: "Government still in operation."

Were you in Washington on May 1? Were you out on the streets? What were you doing? When did you get arrested? Where were you incarcerated -- the DC Jail or RFK Stadium? Did the police try to identify you during your arrest (werre you photographed, etc.)? When were you released?

How many other people were arrested with you, to your knowledge? Were they all part of the antiwar movement? I recall a couple who were walking to a Justice of the Peace to get married when they were detained -- but that was OK, we found a JP to marry them inside RFK Stadium. Do you have any stories like that you would like to share?

Do you think Mayday was a success or a failure? What do you believe was most important -- to stop our government's operations in its tracks or to illustrate to the public that our government really didn't give a damn about the Bill of Rights?

Do you have any other observations or opinions you would like to share?