Deborah Haeseler

Having been born in 1952, I'm afraid that I was on the young side during the height of the anti-war movement. About all we high-schoolers did was wear armbands and attend Moratorium Day speeches.

I also recall great worrying in 1972 during the draft lottery -- my first husband's birthday happened to fall on the "not likely to be drafted" end and we celebrated with pizza and coke, maybe even some cheap champagne.

There had been talk about maybe we should move to Canada if... And we discussed how to become conscientous objectors. To tell you the truth, I was quite apolitical then, a part of my nature and owing to the fact that we had a baby, which definitely diverts one from the "real" world.

Voted for McGovern, of course -- my first election! Still have a bad taste in my mouth over his dumping Thomas Eagleton -- we lived in St. Louis, Mo., and Eagleton was a local legend. McGovern handled it badly.

My choice in the primaries was Eugene McCarthy.

But -- I was sorely tempted to vote for Pat Paulsen, the comedian who was on the Smothers Brothers show, because I didn't then and don't now trust politicians.

I once met Richard Nixon and looked up his very hairy nose. He shook my hand and his security people took the McCluer High School banner I was selected to give him. (I was the pretty one, so the other kids thought I could move closer to him.) :)

Remember lots of political arguments with older adults who thought us foolish for supporting McGovern.

My husband (born in 1941) covered some of the demonstrations at Berkeley as part of his job as a reporter with the Chronicle.

My former boss was once arrested in a Berkeley demonstration.

Anyway, if you see anything worth pursuing here, write back.