You and Me and We Are All Together

The marches on Washington were the largest assemblages of humans, I believe, ever up to that point. The entire Mall was filled with people from all over the US.

Although you were "just one of the troops," you were an active participant at the big antiwar rallies, such as the large marches in DC including the Moratorium and the post-Cambodian invasion gathering. What did you see and how did you feel during those marches?

It was inspiring to the point of tears to join so many people for a just cause. I heard of abuses by the police and the military, but I did not witness them... Instead, I witnessed provocation of the police by some of us. I was in a tree on the corner of the Elipse when some folks began throwing rocks and bottles at a phalanx of cops across the intersection. Suddenly the police charged and tear gas canisters started hitting the ground around my perch. I risked injury by jumping about 15 feet to the ground in the middle of a stampede to get outta there.

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