Table of Contents

Select this to read What's It All About?]. (Read Me First)

My Back Pages describes the origins of the contributors to this anthology.

Select this to read My Back Pages

Across the Great Divide describes the introspection and anguish which many contributors went through as they recognized a personal decision had to be made about the war -- and a stand had to be taken.

Select this to read Across the Great Divide

Tears of Rage describes the sorrow, pain, cynicism and frustration as many people joined with the movement to publicly express their concerns and doubts about the war, and ended up confronting "democracy in action."

Select this to read Tears of Rage

Up Against the Wall... describes the anger and elation that was experienced as some changed the world around them, while others turned against American society.

Select this to read Up Against the Wall...

Yesterday and Today contains contributors' retrospections after the passage of almost three decades. Has the American Dream vanished? How has American society changed? How should it continue to change?

Select this to read Yesterday and Today

The Questions section contains the questions I have asked most frequently as I have tried to jar contributors' memories. Perhaps it will jar yours, as well. In addition, Questions topics have been included whenever appropriate within each of the preceding sections. Some of these questions may seem to be rhetorical. All of them are intended to stir your thoughts and encourage you to share them with the anthology. Please do so.

Select this to read Questions

If you want to read a specific person's story (and you don't know the topics that are discussed in his or her story), you can select the Contributors at the end of the anthology, which allows you to find a story by its author's name. Of course this will not be of much use if the story has been submitted anonymously.

Select this to read Contributors