OARnet, Ohio Academic Resources Network _A_d_d_r_e_s_s: Attn: Alison Brown OARnet The Ohio Supercomputer Center 1224 Kinnear Road Columbus, Ohio 43212 _E_m_a_i_l: network@oar.net _P_h_o_n_e: (614) 292-8100 _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n OARnet is the regional network for the state of Ohio. It serves the higher education community, providing Ohio scho- lars access to colleagues worldwide. OARnet also provides commercial connectivity to industrial and commercial members with unrestricted traffic flow between other OARnet members and the Internet. Libraries, databases, national and inter- national laboratories, and research centers are accessible, helping make Ohio schools competitive. The Ohio Academic Resources Network (OARnet) was established in 1987 to provide statewide access to the Cray supercom- puter at the Ohio Supercomputer Center. Since then it has evolved into a network supporting all aspects of higher edu- cation in Ohio. A primary goal of OARnet is to facilitate collaborative projects and sharing of resources between institutions, including those outside the state. OARnet connections are available to Ohio academic institutions and corporations engaged in reseach, product development, or instruction. Colleges, universities, and industries currently use OARnet connections to communicate within the state and with colleagues around the country. _N_e_t_w_o_r_k _A_c_c_e_s_s: OARnet uses the Internet (TCP/IP) and DECnet protocols over _________________________ The information in this section is provided in accor- dance with the copyright notice appearing at the front of this guide. November 1, 1991 NNSC Section 5.45, Page 1 dedicated 56-kbps and T1 (1.544 megabit-per-second) cir- cuits. OARnet participants using TCP/IP protocols are con- nected to the worldwide Internet. OARnet is also connected to NSFNET, the national research and education network spon- sored by the National Science Foundation. Internet access is also provided by OARnet with 9.6 and 38.4 kbps dialup connections to OARnet POP (Points-of-Presence) locations throughout Ohio using V.32/V.42 modems. _W_h_o _C_a_n _U_s_e _t_h_e _N_e_t_w_o_r_k There are no restrictions. _M_i_s_c_e_l_l_a_n_e_o_u_s _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n: Network Operations Center (NOC) Hours: 24x7 coverage Hotline: (614) 292-5555 Email: noc@oar.net OARnet User Problems: noc@oar.net User Information: nic@oar.net Engineering Staff: engineers@oar.net See also the information about the Ohio Supercomputer Center. November 1, 1991 NNSC Section 5.45, Page 2