NorthWestNet _A_d_d_r_e_s_s: Administrative: Richard Markwood Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education (WICHE) P.O. Drawer P Boulder, CO 80301-9752 Technical: Dan Jordt University Networks and Distributed Computing UW, HG-45 3737 Brooklyn Ave. NE Seattle, WA 98105 _E-_m_a_i_l: Administrative: Technical: _P_h_o_n_e: Administrative: (303) 497-0220 Technical: (206) 543-7352 _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n NorthWestNet (NWNet) is a mid-level network of the National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET). NWNet provides commun- ication with NSFNET for research centers throughout the Northwest, including sites in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, and Washington. The network supports both IP and DECnet within NWNet, but access to the NSFNET is res- tricted to IP only. A primary focus of NWNet is providing access by researchers in the Northwest to supercomputing resources. The NWNet NOC and the NSFNET Nodal Switching Subsystem (NSS) _________________________ The information in this section is provided in accor- dance with the copyright notice appearing at the front of this guide. Sept 25, 1991 NNSC Section 5.27, Page 1 for the Northwest are located at the University of Washing- ton. The network is currently implemented using a mix of T1, 56 Kb/s, and voice grade (19.2 Kb/s) leased lines in a mostly-tree topology. NWNet is funded by a grant from the National Science Founda- tion and by membership fees. A Management Committee comprised largely of representatives from the member insti- tutions governs NWNet. Other committees that advise the Management Committee include the Technical Committee and the Training Committee (a subcommittee of the Technical Commit- tee). Several member institutions have large computers accessible via the Internet. For example, there are two Cray XMP/48 computers at NWNet sites (Boeing and Battelle). Some other resources available to NWNet members include: a mail gate- way machine,, which can route mail between the Internet, BITNET, CSNET, and UUCP networks; Internet access to the University of Washington library catalog ( the keypad + key or enter key to change screens; break the telnet connection to close) and the University of Oregon library catalog (; and the University of Washington Com- puting Information Center (CIC), which has more than 8000 books, 1200 serial titles, and 8500 technical reports related to computing. NWNet sponsors a yearly seminar highlighting the resources and services of NWNet, as well as discipline-specific workshops for interested researchers currently using super- computers or contemplating such use. We also maintain and distribute a training kit containing a manual and videotape geared toward training user-services personnel in TCP/IP, the use of NWNet, national networks, and supercomputing resources. _N_e_t_w_o_r_k _A_c_c_e_s_s Any IP host on the Internet may access NWNet sites. For DECnet access, consult the NWNet Network Operations Center. _W_h_o _C_a_n _U_s_e _t_h_e _N_e_t_w_o_r_k Use of the network is governed by an "Acceptable Use" pol- icy, a copy of which is available on request. In general, use is limited to support for scientific research and instruction at member and associate member institutions. Sept 25, 1991 NNSC Section 5.27, Page 2 _M_i_s_c_e_l_l_a_n_e_o_u_s _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n The 24x7 NOC hotline number is (206) 543-5128, or Sept 25, 1991 NNSC Section 5.27, Page 3