General Accounting Office Reports _A_d_d_r_e_s_s: General Accounting Office P.O. Box 6015 Gaithersburg, MD 20877 USA _E_m_a_i_l: _P_h_o_n_e: GAO report distribution: 202/275-6241 (7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST) _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n Reports of the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) cover a broad range of subjects such as major weapons systems, energy, financial institutions, and pollution control. The following GAO reports are available over the Internet as part of a test to determine whether there is sufficient interest within this community to warrant making all GAO reports available over the Internet. 1. Computer Security: Governmentwide Planning Process Had Limited Impact, GAO/IMTEC-90-48, May 1990. Assesses the governmentwide computer security planning pro- cess and extent to which security plans were implemented for 22 systems at 10 civilian agencies. (This report is named REPORT1 and is 55,062 bytes or 1,190 lines long.) 2. Drug-Exposed Infants: A Generation at Risk, GAO/HRD-90- 138, June 1990. Discusses health effects and medical costs of infants born to mothers using drugs, impact on the nation's health and welfare systems, and availability of drug treatment and pre- natal care to drug-addicted pregnant women. (This report is named REPORT2 and is 113,916 bytes or 2,421 lines long.) 3. High-Definition Television: Applications for This New Technology, GAO/IMTEC-90-9FS, December 1989. Provides information on 14 HDTV applications and the key _________________________ The information in this section is provided in accor- dance with the copyright notice appearing at the front of this guide. 1 August 1991 NNSC Section 3.30, Page 1 industry officials' views on the effect of an HDTV produc- tion standard on potential applications. (This report is named REPORT3 and is 31,947 bytes or 643 lines long.) 4. Home Visiting: A Promising Early Intervention Strategy for At-Risk Families, GAO/HRD-90-83, July 1990. Discusses home visiting as an early intervention strategy to provide health, social, educational, and other services to improve maternal and child health and well-being. (This report is named REPORT4 and is 287,547 bytes or 5,711 lines long.) 5. Meeting the Government's Technology Challenge: Results of a GAO Symposium, GAO/IMTEC-90-23, February 1990. Outlines five principles for effective management of infor- mation technology that can provide a framework for integrat- ing information technology into the business of government. (This report is named REPORT5 and is 39,017 bytes or 777 lines long.) 6. Strategic Defense System: Stable Design and Adequate Testing Must Precede Decision to Deploy, GAO/IMTEC-90-61, July 1990. Discusses why the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization will not be able to support currently scheduled full-scale development or deployment decisions on any part of Phase I of the Strategic Defense System. (This report is named REPORT6 and is 104,521 bytes or 1,847 lines long.) 7. Training Strategies: Preparing Noncollege Youth for Employment in the U.S. and Foreign Countries, GAO/HRD-90- 88, May 1990. Discusses (1) weaknesses in the U.S. education and training system for preparing noncollege youth for employment and (2) foreign strategies that appear relevant to U.S. shortcom- ings. (This report is named REPORT7 and is 190,323 bytes or 3,951 lines long. _N_e_t_w_o_r_k _A_c_c_e_s_s The reports are in ASCII text format by anonymous FTP in the directory GAO-REPORTS at the NIH computer center, Use the FTP text format. _M_i_s_c_e_l_l_a_n_e_o_u_s _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n Some of these reports have material (such as pictures, charts, and tables) that could not be viewed as ASCII text. 1 August 1991 NNSC Section 3.30, Page 2 If you wish to obtain a complete report, call GAO report distribution at (202) 275-6241 (7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST) or write to the address above. So that we can keep a count of report recipients, and your reaction, please send an e-mail message to and include, along with your e-mail address, the following information: Your organization, your position/title and name (optional), the title/report number of the above reports you have retrieved electronically or ordered by mail or phone, whether you have ever obtained a GAO report before, whether you have copied a report onto another bulletin board-if so, which report and bulletin board, other GAO report subjects you would be interested in, and any additional comments or suggestions. 1 August 1991 NNSC Section 3.30, Page 3