The Battle of Maldon

Verse Indeterminate Saxon

    brocen wurde.
Het þa hyssa hwæne     hors forlætan,
feor afysan,     and forð gangan,
hicgan to handum     and to hige godum.
þa þæt Offan mæg     ærest onfunde,
þæt se eorl nolde     yrhðo geþolian,
he let him þa of handon     leofne fleogan
hafoc wið þæs holtes,     and to þære hilde stop;
be þam man mihte oncnawan     þæt se cniht nolde
wacian æt þam wige,     þa he to wæpnum feng.
Eac him wolde Eadric     his ealdre gelæstan,
frean to gefeohte,     ongan þa forð beran
gar to guþe.     He hæfde god geþanc
þa hwile þe he mid handum     healdan mihte
bord and bradswurd;     beot he gelæste
þa he ætforan his frean     feohtan sceolde.
ða þær Byrhtnoð ongan     beornas trymian,
rad and rædde,     rincum tæhte
hu hi sceoldon standan     and þone stede healdan,
and bæd þæt hyra randas     rihte heoldon
fæste mid folman,     and ne forhtedon na.
þa he hæfde þæt folc     fægere getrymmed,
he lihte þa mid leodon     þær him leofost wæs,
þær he his heorðwerod     holdost wiste.
þa stod on stæðe,     stiðlice clypode
wicinga ar,     wordum mælde,
se on beot abead     brimliþendra
ærænde to þam eorle,     þær he on ofre stod:
"Me sendon to þe     sæmen snelle,
heton ðe secgan     þæt þu most sendan raðe
beagas wið gebeorge;     and eow betere is
þæt ge þisne garræs     mid gafole forgyldon,
þon we swa hearde     hilde dælon.
Ne þurfe we us spillan,     gif ge spedaþ to þam;
we willað wið þam golde     grið fæstnian.
Gyf þu þat gerædest,     þe her ricost eart,
þæt þu þine leoda     lysan wille,
syllan sæmannum     on hyra sylfra dom
feoh wið freode,     and niman frið æt us,
we willaþ mid þam sceattum     us to scype gangan,
on flot feran,     and eow friþes healdan."
Byrhtnoð maþelode,     bord hafenode,
wand wacne æsc,     wordum mælde,
yrre and anræd     ageaf him andsware:
"Gehyrst þu, sælida,     hwæt þis folc segeð?
Hi willað eow to gafole     garas syllan,
ættrynne ord     and ealde swurd,
þa heregeatu     þe eow æt hilde ne deah.
Brimmanna boda,     abeod eft ongean,
sege þinum leodum     miccle laþre spell,
þæt her stynt unforcuð     eorl mid his werode,
þe wile gealgean     eþel þysne,
æþelredes eard,     ealdres mines,
folc and foldan.     Feallan sceolon
hæþene æt hilde.     To heanlic me þinceð
þæt ge mid urum sceattum     to scype gangon
unbefohtene,     nu ge þus feor hider
on urne eard     in becomon.
Ne sceole ge swa softe     sinc gegangan;
us sceal ord and ecg     ær geseman,
grim guðplega,     ær we gofol syllon."
Het þa bord beran,     beornas gangan,
þæt hi on þam easteðe     ealle stodon.
Ne mihte þær for wætere     werod to þam oðrum;
þær com flowende     flod æfter ebban,
lucon lagustreamas.     To lang hit him þuhte,
hwænne hi togædere     garas beron.
Hi þær Pantan stream     mid prasse bestodon,
Eastseaxena ord     and se æschere.
Ne mihte hyra ænig     oþrum derian,
buton hwa þurh flanes flyht     fyl gename.
Se flod ut gewat;     þa flotan stodon gearowe,
wicinga fela,     wiges georne.
Het þa hæleða hleo     healdan þa bricge
wigan wigheardne,     se wæs haten Wulfstan,
cafne mid his cynne,     þæt wæs Ceolan sunu,
þe ðone forman man     mid his francan ofsceat
þe þær baldlicost     on þa bricge stop.
þær stodon mid Wulfstane     wigan unforhte,
ælfere and Maccus,     modige twegen,
þa noldon æt þam forda     fleam gewyrcan,
ac hi fæstlice     wið ða fynd weredon,
þa hwile þe hi wæpna     wealdan moston.
þa hi þæt ongeaton     and georne gesawon
þæt hi þær bricgweardas     bitere fundon,
ongunnon lytegian þa     laðe gystas,
bædon þæt hi upgang     agan moston,
ofer þone ford faran,     feþan lædan.
ða se eorl ongan     for his ofermode
alyfan landes to fela     laþere ðeode.
Ongan ceallian þa     ofer cald wæter
Byrhtelmes bearn     (beornas gehlyston):
"Nu eow is gerymed,     gað ricene to us,
guman to guþe;     god ana wat
hwa þære wælstowe     wealdan mote."
Wodon þa wælwulfas     (for wætere ne murnon),
wicinga werod,     west ofer Pantan,
ofer scir wæter     scyldas wegon,
lidmen to lande     linde bæron.
þær ongean gramum     gearowe stodon
Byrhtnoð mid beornum;     he mid bordum het
wyrcan þone wihagan,     and þæt werod healdan
fæste wið feondum.     þa wæs feohte neh,
tir æt getohte.     Wæs seo tid cumen
þæt þær fæge men     feallan sceoldon.
þær wearð hream ahafen,     hremmas wundon,
earn æses georn;     wæs on eorþan cyrm.
Hi leton þa of folman     feolhearde speru,
gegrundene     garas fleogan;
bogan wæron bysige,     bord ord onfeng.
Biter wæs se beaduræs,     beornas feollon
on gehwæðere hand,     hyssas lagon.
Wund wearð Wulfmær,     wælræste geceas,
Byrhtnoðes mæg;     he mid billum wearð,
his swuster sunu,     swiðe forheawen.
þær wearð wicingum     wiþerlean agyfen.
Gehyrde ic þæt Eadweard     anne sloge
swiðe mid his swurde,     swenges ne wyrnde,
þæt him æt fotum     feoll fæge cempa;
þæs him his ðeoden     þanc gesæde,
þam burþene,     þa he byre hæfde.
Swa stemnetton     stiðhicgende
hysas æt hilde,     hogodon georne
hwa þær mid orde     ærost mihte
on fægean men     feorh gewinnan,
wigan mid wæpnum;     wæl feol on eorðan.
Stodon stædefæste;     stihte hi Byrhtnoð,
bæd þæt hyssa gehwylc     hogode to wige
þe on Denon wolde     dom gefeohtan.
Wod þa wiges heard,     wæpen up ahof,
bord to gebeorge,     and wið þæs beornes stop.
Eode swa anræd     eorl to þam ceorle,
ægþer hyra oðrum     yfeles hogode.
Sende ða se særinc     suþerne gar,
þæt gewundod wearð     wigena hlaford;
he sceaf þa mid ðam scylde,     þæt se sceaft tobærst,
and þæt spere sprengde,     þæt hit sprang ongean.
Gegremod wearð se guðrinc;     he mid gare stang
wlancne wicing,     þe him þa wunde forgeaf.
Frod wæs se fyrdrinc;     he let his francan wadan
þurh ðæs hysses hals,     hand wisode
þæt he on þam færsceaðan     feorh geræhte.
ða he oþerne     ofstlice sceat,
þæt seo byrne tobærst;     he wæs on breostum wund
þurh ða hringlocan,     him æt heortan stod
ætterne ord.     Se eorl wæs þe bliþra,
hloh þa, modi man,     sæde metode þanc
ðæs dægweorces     þe him drihten forgeaf.
Forlet þa drenga sum     daroð of handa,
fleogan of folman,     þæt se to forð gewat
þurh ðone æþelan     æþelredes þegen.
Him be healfe stod     hyse unweaxen,
cniht on gecampe,     se full caflice
bræd of þam beorne     blodigne gar,
Wulfstanes bearn,     Wulfmær se geonga,
forlet forheardne     faran eft ongean;
ord in gewod,     þæt se on eorþan læg
þe his þeoden ær     þearle geræhte.
Eode þa gesyrwed     secg to þam eorle;
he wolde þæs beornes     beagas gefecgan,
reaf and hringas     and gerenod swurd.
þa Byrhtnoð bræd     bill of sceðe,
brad and bruneccg,     and on þa byrnan sloh.
To raþe hine gelette     lidmanna sum,
þa he þæs eorles     earm amyrde.
Feoll þa to foldan     fealohilte swurd;
ne mihte he gehealdan     heardne mece,
wæpnes wealdan.     þa gyt þæt word gecwæð
har hilderinc,     hyssas bylde,
bæd gangan forð     gode geferan;
ne mihte þa on fotum leng     fæste gestandan.
He to heofenum wlat:
"Geþancie þe,     ðeoda waldend,
ealra þæra wynna     þe ic on worulde gebad.
Nu ic ah, milde metod,     mæste þearfe
þæt þu minum gaste     godes geunne,
þæt min sawul to ðe     siðian mote
on þin geweald,     þeoden engla,
mid friþe ferian.     Ic eom frymdi to þe
þæt hi helsceaðan     hynan ne moton."
ða hine heowon     hæðene scealcas
and begen þa beornas     þe him big stodon,
ælfnoð and Wulmær     begen lagon,
ða onemn hyra frean     feorh gesealdon.
Hi bugon þa fram beaduwe     þe þær beon noldon.
þær wearð Oddan bearn     ærest on fleame,
Godric fram guþe,     and þone godan forlet
þe him mænigne oft     mear gesealde;
he gehleop þone eoh     þe ahte his hlaford,
on þam gerædum     þe hit riht ne wæs,
and his broðru mid him     begen ærndon,
Godwine and Godwig,     guþe ne gymdon,
ac wendon fram þam wige     and þone wudu sohton,
flugon on þæt fæsten     and hyra feore burgon,
and manna ma     þonne hit ænig mæð wære,
gyf hi þa geearnunga     ealle gemundon
þe he him to duguþe     gedon hæfde.
Swa him Offa on dæg     ær asæde
on þam meþelstede,     þa he gemot hæfde,
þæt þær modiglice     manega spræcon
þe eft æt þearfe     þolian noldon.
þa wearð afeallen     þæs folces ealdor,
æþelredes eorl;     ealle gesawon
heorðgeneatas     þæt hyra heorra læg.
þa ðær wendon forð     wlance þegenas,
unearge men     efston georne;
hi woldon þa ealle     oðer twega,
lif forlætan     oððe leofne gewrecan.
Swa hi bylde forð     bearn ælfrices,
wiga wintrum geong,     wordum mælde,
ælfwine þa cwæð,     he on ellen spræc:
"Gemunan þa mæla     þe we oft æt meodo spræcon,
þonne we on bence     beot ahofon,
hæleð on healle,     ymbe heard gewinn;
nu mæg cunnian     hwa cene sy.
Ic wylle mine æþelo     eallum gecyþan,
þæt ic wæs on Myrcon     miccles cynnes;
wæs min ealda fæder     Ealhelm haten,
wis ealdorman,     woruldgesælig.
Ne sceolon me on þære þeode     þegenas ætwitan
þæt ic of ðisse fyrde     feran wille,
eard gesecan,     nu min ealdor ligeð
forheawen æt hilde.     Me is þæt hearma mæst;
he wæs ægðer min mæg     and min hlaford."
þa he forð eode,     fæhðe gemunde,
þæt he mid orde     anne geræhte
flotan on þam folce,     þæt se on foldan læg
forwegen mid his wæpne.     Ongan þa winas manian,
frynd and geferan,     þæt hi forð eodon.
Offa gemælde,     æscholt asceoc:
"Hwæt þu, ælfwine, hafast     ealle gemanode
þegenas to þearfe,     nu ure þeoden lið,
eorl on eorðan.     Us is eallum þearf
þæt ure æghwylc     oþerne bylde
wigan to wige,     þa hwile þe he wæpen mæge
habban and healdan,     heardne mece,
gar and godswurd.     Us Godric hæfð,
earh Oddan bearn,     ealle beswicene.
Wende þæs formoni man,     þa he on meare rad,
on wlancan þam wicge,     þæt wære hit ure hlaford;
forþan wearð her on felda     folc totwæmed,
scyldburh tobrocen.     Abreoðe his angin,
þæt he her swa manigne     man aflymde!"
Leofsunu gemælde     and his linde ahof,
bord to gebeorge;     he þam beorne oncwæð:
"Ic þæt gehate,     þæt ic heonon nelle
fleon fotes trym,     ac wille furðor gan,
wrecan on gewinne     minne winedrihten.
Ne þurfon me embe Sturmere     stedefæste hælæð
wordum ætwitan,     nu min wine gecranc,
þæt ic hlafordleas     ham siðie,
wende fram wige,     ac me sceal wæpen niman,
ord and iren."     He ful yrre wod,
feaht fæstlice,     fleam he forhogode.
Dunnere þa cwæð,     daroð acwehte,
unorne ceorl,     ofer eall clypode,
bæd þæt beorna gehwylc     Byrhtnoð wrece:
"Ne mæg na wandian     se þe wrecan þenceð
frean on folce,     ne for feore murnan."
þa hi forð eodon,     feores hi ne rohton;
ongunnon þa hiredmen     heardlice feohtan,
grame garberend,     and god bædon
þæt hi moston gewrecan     hyra winedrihten
and on hyra feondum     fyl gewyrcan.
Him se gysel ongan     geornlice fylstan;
he wæs on Norðhymbron     heardes cynnes,
Ecglafes bearn,     him wæs æscferð nama.
He ne wandode na     æt þam wigplegan,
ac he fysde forð     flan genehe;
hwilon he on bord sceat,     hwilon beorn tæsde,
æfre embe stunde     he sealde sume wunde,
þa hwile ðe he wæpna     wealdan moste.
þa gyt on orde stod     Eadweard se langa,
gearo and geornful,     gylpwordum spræc
þæt he nolde fleogan     fotmæl landes,
ofer bæc bugan,     þa his betera leg.
He bræc þone bordweall     and wið þa beornas feaht,
oðþæt he his sincgyfan     on þam sæmannum
wurðlice wrec,     ær he on wæle lege.
Swa dyde æþeric,     æþele gefera,
fus and forðgeorn,     feaht eornoste.
Sibyrhtes broðor     and swiðe mænig oþer
clufon cellod bord,     cene hi weredon;
bærst bordes lærig,     and seo byrne sang
gryreleoða sum.     þa æt guðe sloh
Offa þone sælidan,     þæt he on eorðan feoll,
and ðær Gaddes mæg     grund gesohte.
Raðe wearð æt hilde     Offa forheawen;
he hæfde ðeah geforþod     þæt he his frean gehet,
swa he beotode ær     wið his beahgifan
þæt hi sceoldon begen     on burh ridan,
hale to hame,     oððe on here crincgan,
on wælstowe     wundum sweltan;
he læg ðegenlice     ðeodne gehende.
ða wearð borda gebræc.     Brimmen wodon,
guðe gegremode;     gar oft þurhwod
fæges feorhhus.     Forð þa eode Wistan,
þurstanes sunu,     wið þas secgas feaht;
he wæs on geþrange     hyra þreora bana,
ær him Wigelines bearn     on þam wæle læge.
þær wæs stið gemot;     stodon fæste
wigan on gewinne,     wigend cruncon,
wundum werige.     Wæl feol on eorþan.
Oswold and Eadwold     ealle hwile,
begen þa gebroþru,     beornas trymedon,
hyra winemagas     wordon bædon
þæt hi þær æt ðearfe     þolian sceoldon,
unwaclice     wæpna neotan.
Byrhtwold maþelode     bord hafenode
(se wæs eald geneat),     æsc acwehte;
he ful baldlice     beornas lærde:
"Hige sceal þe heardra,     heorte þe cenre,
mod sceal þe mare,     þe ure mægen lytlað.
Her lið ure ealdor     eall forheawen,
god on greote.     A mæg gnornian
se ðe nu fram þis wigplegan     wendan þenceð.
Ic eom frod feores;     fram ic ne wille,
ac ic me be healfe     minum hlaforde,
be swa leofan men,     licgan þence."
Swa hi æþelgares bearn     ealle bylde,
Godric to guþe.     Oft he gar forlet,
wælspere windan     on þa wicingas,
swa he on þam folce     fyrmest eode,
heow and hynde,     oðþæt he on hilde gecranc.
Næs þæt na se Godric     þe ða guðe forbeah