The Meters of Boethius: Meter 16

Verse Indeterminate Saxon

Se þe wille anwald agon,     ðonne sceal he ærest tilian
þæt he his selfes     on sefan age
anwald innan,     þy læs he æfre sie
his unþeawum     eall underðyded,
ado of his mode     mislicra fela
þara ymbhogona     þe him unnet sie,
læte sume hwile     siofunga ana
ermða sinra.     þeah him eall sie
þes middangeard,     swa swa merestreamas
utan belicgað,     on æht gifen,
efne swa wide     swa swa westmest nu
an iglond ligð     ut on garsecg,
þær nængu bið     niht on sumera
ne wuhte þon ma     on wintra dæg
toteled tidum,     þæt is Tile haten;
þeah nu anra hwa     ealles wealde
þæs iglandes,     and eac þonan
oð Indeas     eastewearde;
þeah he nu þæt eall     agan mote,
hwy bið his anwald     auhte ðy mara,
gif he siððan nah     his selfes geweald
ingeðances,     and hine eorneste
wel ne bewarenað     wordum and dædum
wið ða unþeawas     þe we ymb sprecað?