The Paris Psalter: Psalm 90

Verse Indeterminate Saxon

Me eardað æt     æþele fultum
þæs hehstan     heofonrices weard,
þe me æt wunað     awa to feore.
Ic to drihtne cwæð:     "þu me dyre eart
fæle fultum;     hæbbe ic freond on him,
min se goda god,     and ic on ðe geare hycge."
Forðon he me alysde     of laðum grine,
huntum unholdum,     hearmum worde.
He me mid his gesculdrum     sceade beþeahte;
forþon ic under fiðrum     fæle hihte.
Hwæt, me soðfæstnes min     scylde wið feondum,
ne ðu þe nihtegsan     nede ondrædest.
Ne forhtast þu ðe on dæge     flan on lyfte,
þæt þe þurhgangan     garas on ðeostrum,
oððe on midne dæg     mære deoful.
Fealleð þe on þa wynstran     wergra þusend,
and eac geteledra     tyn þusendo
on þine þa swiðran,     and þe ne sceaðeð ænig.
Hwæðere þu ðæs eagan     eall sceawadest,
gesege fyrenfulra     frecne wite.
þu me eart se hehsta hyht,     halig drihten;
þu me friðstol on ðe     fæstne settest.
Ne mæg þe ænig yfel     egle weorðan,
ne heard sweopu     huse þinum
on neaweste     nahwær sceþþan.
Forþon he his englum bebead,     þæt hi mid earmum þe
on heora handum     heoldan georne,
þæt þu wilwega     wealdan mostest.
And þe on folmum     feredan swylce,
þe læs þu fræcne on stan     fote spurne.
þu ofer aspide miht     eaðe gangan,
and bealde nu     basiliscan tredan,
and leon and dracan     liste gebygean.
Forðon he hyhte to me,     ic hine hraðe lyse,
niode hine scylde,     nu he cuðe naman minne.
He cigde me,     and ic hine cuðlice
hold gehyrde,     and hine hraðe syþþan
of earfoþum     ut alysde.
Ic hine generige     and his naman swylce
gewuldrige     geond ealle werðeoda,
and him lifdagas     lange sylle,
swylce him mine hælu     holde ætywe.