The Paris Psalter: Psalm 86
Verse Indeterminate Saxon
Healdað his staðelas halige beorgas;
lufude Sione duru symble drihten
ofer Iacobes wic goode ealle.
Wærun wuldurlice wið þe wel acweðene,
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þæt þu si cymast ceastra drihtnes;
eac ic gemyndige þa mæran Raab
and Babilonis begea gehwæðeres.
Efne fremde cynn foran of Tyrum,
folc Sigelwara naman þær fæstne eard.
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Modor Sion "man" cwæð ærest,
and hire mære gewearð mann on innan,
and he hi þa hehstan her staðelade.
Drihten þæt on gewritum dema sægde
þam þe frumsprecend folces wæron,
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eallum swylce, þe hire on wæron.
Swa ure ealra bliss eardhæbbendra
on anum þe ece standeð.