The Paris Psalter: Psalm 61

Verse Indeterminate Saxon

Ic mine sawle     symble wylle
full gleawlice     gode underþeodan;
æt him is hælu min     her eall gelancg.
Hwæt, he is god min     and gearu hælend;
is he fultum min,     ic ne forhtige wiht.
ðonne ge mid mane     men ongunnon,
ealle ge ða to deadan     dædun sona,
swa ge awurpon     wah of stofne.
Swa ge mine are     ealle þohton
wraðe toweorpan,     wide urnon
þurstige muðe;     þæne bletsadan
and ðone wyrgedan     wraðe mid heortan.
Hwæðere ic me soðe     sawle mine
to gode hæfde     georne geðeoded;
he minre geðylde     þingum wealdeð.
Hwæt, he is god min     and gleaw hælend
and fultum is;     ne mæg ic hine ahwær befleon.
On gode standeð     min gearu hælu
and wuldor min     and wyn mycel;
me is halig hyht     on hine swylce.
Hycge him halig folc     hælu to drihtne;
doð eowre heortan hige     hale and clæne,
forðon eow god standeð     georne on fultum.
Hwæðere ge, manna bearn,     manes unlyt
wyrceað on wægum     and woh doð,
and eow beswicað     sylfe oftast,
þær ge idel gylp     on þam ilcan fremmað.
Nellað ge gewenan     welan unrihte
oþþe to reaflace     ræda þencean.
þeah þe eow wealan to     wearnum flowen,
nyllan ge eow on heortan þa     hige staðelian;
æne ic god spræcan     gearuwe gehyrde
and þæt treowe ongeat     tidum gemeldad.
Miht is drihtnes     ofer middangeard
and him þæs to worlde     wuldor stande
and mildheortness,     þæt he manna gehwam
æfter his agenum     earnungum demeð,
efne swa he wyrceð     on worldlife.