Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees

Verse Indeterminate Saxon

Wið ymbe nim eorþan, oferweorp mid þinre swiþran
handa under þinum swiþran fet, and cwet:
Fo ic under fot,     funde ic hit.
Hwæt, eorðe mæg     wið ealra wihta gehwilce
and wið andan     and wið æminde
and wið þa micelan     mannes tungan.
And wiððon forweorp ofer greot, þonne hi swirman, and cweð:
Sitte ge, sigewif,     sigað to eorþan!
Næfre ge wilde     to wuda fleogan.
Beo ge swa gemindige     mines godes,
swa bið manna gehwilc     metes and eþeles.