The Metrical Preface to Waerferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues
Verse Late Saxon
...e ðe me rædan ðance,
he in me findan mæg, gif hine feola lysteð
gastlices lifes godre biesene,
þæt he ful eaþe mæg upp gestigan
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to ðam heofonlican hame, þar byð a hyht and wyn,
blis on burgum, þam þe bearn godes
sielfes hiora eagum geseon motan.
þæt mæg se mon begytan, se þe his modgeðanc
æltowe byþ, and þonne þurh his ingehygd
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to þissa haligra helpe geliefeð,
ond hiora bisene fulgað, swa þeos boc sagað.
Me awritan het Wulfstan bisceop,
þeow and þearfa þæs þe alne þrym aof,
and eac walden is wihta gehwelcre,
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an ece god eallra gesceafta.
Bideþ þe se bisceop, se þe ðas boc begeat
þe þu on þinum handum nu hafast and sceawast,
þæt þu him to þeossum halgum helpe bidde,
þe heora gemynd her on gemearcude siendon,
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and þæt him god ællmihtig
forgyu... þa gyltas þe he geo worhte,
and eac resðe mid him, se ðe ah ealles rices geweald,
and eac swa his beahgifan, þe him ðas bysene forgeaf,
þæt is se selesða sinces brytta,
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ælfryd mid Englum, ealra cyninga
þara þe he sið oððe ær fore secgan hyrde,
oððe he iorðcyninga ær ænigne gefrugne.