Guthlac A, B

Verse Indeterminate Saxon

Se bið gefeana fægrast     þonne hy æt frymðe gemetað,
engel ond seo eadge sawl!     Ofgiefeþ hio þas eorþan wynne,
forlæteð þas lænan dreamas,     ond hio wiþ þam lice gedæleð.
ðonne cwið se engel,     (hafað yldran had),
greteð gæst oþerne,     abeodeð him godes ærende:
"Nu þu most feran     þider þu fundadest
longe ond gelome.     Ic þec lædan sceal.
Wegas þe sindon weþe,     ond wuldres leoht
torht ontyned.     Eart nu tidfara
to þam halgan ham."     þær næfre hreow cymeð,
edergong fore yrmþum,     ac þær biþ engla dream,
sib ond gesælignes,     ond sawla ræst,
ond þær a to feore     gefeon motun,
dryman mid dryhten,     þa þe his domas her
æfnað on eorþan.     He him ece lean
healdeð on heofonum,     þær se hyhsta
ealra cyninga cyning     ceastrum wealdeð.
ðæt sind þa getimbru     þe no tydriað,
ne þam fore yrmþum     þe þær in wuniað
lif aspringeð,     ac him bið lenge hu sel;
geoguþe brucað     ond godes miltsa.
þider soðfæstra     sawla motun
cuman æfter cwealme,     þa þe her Cristes æ
lærað ond læstað,     ond his lof rærað;
oferwinnað þa awyrgdan gæstas,     bigytað him wuldres ræste,
hwider sceal þæs monnes     mod astigan,
ær oþþe æfter,     þonne he his ænne her
gæst bigonge,     þæt se gode mote,
womma clæne,     in geweald cuman.
Monge sindon     geond middangeard
hadas under heofonum,     þa þe in haligra
rim arisað.     We þæs ryht magun
æt æghwylcum     anra gehyran,
gif we halig bebodu     healdan willað;
mæg nu snottor guma     sæle brucan
godra tida,     ond his gæste forð
weges willian.     Woruld is onhrered,
colaþ Cristes lufu,     sindan costinga
geond middangeard     monge arisene,
swa þæt geara iu     godes spelbodan
wordum sægdon     ond þurh witedom
eal anemdon,     swa hit nu gongeð.
Ealdað eorþan blæd     æþela gehwylcre
ond of wlite wendað     wæstma gecyndu;
bið seo siþre tid     sæda gehwylces
mætre in mægne.     Forþon se mon ne þearf
to þisse worulde     wyrpe gehycgan,
þæt he us fægran     gefean bringe
ofer þa niþas     þe we nu dreogað,
ærþon endien     ealle gesceafte
ða he gesette     on siex dagum,
ða nu under heofonum     hadas cennað,
micle ond mæte.     Is þes middangeard
dalum gedæled.     Dryhten sceawað
hwær þa eardien     þe his æ healden;
gesihð he þa domas     dogra gehwylce
wonian ond wendan     of woruldryhte
ða he gesette     þurh his sylfes word.
He fela findeð,     fea beoð gecorene.
Sume him þæs hades     hlisan willað
wegan on wordum     ond þa weorc ne doð.
Bið him eorðwela     ofer þæt ece lif
hyhta hyhst,     se gehwylcum sceal
foldbuendra     fremde geweorþan.
Forþon hy nu hyrwað     haligra mod,
ða þe him to heofonum     hyge staþeliað,
witon þæt se eðel     ece bideð
ealra þære mengu     þe geond middangeard
dryhtne þeowiað     ond þæs deoran ham
wilniað bi gewyrhtum.     Swa þas woruldgestreon
on þa mæran god     bimutad weorþað,
ðonne þæt gegyrnað     þa þe him godes egsa
hleonaþ ofer heafdum.     Hy þy hyhstan beoð
þrymme geþreade,     þisses lifes
þurh bibodu brucað     ond þæs betran forð
wyscað ond wenaþ.     Wuldres bycgað,
sellað ælmessan,     earme frefrað,
beoð rummode     ryhtra gestreona,
lufiað mid lacum     þa þe læs agun,
dæghwam dryhtne þeowiaþ.     He hyra dæde sceawað.
Sume þa wuniað     on westennum,
secað ond gesittað     sylfra willum
hamas on heolstrum.     Hy ðæs heofoncundan
boldes bidað.     Oft him brogan to
laðne gelædeð,     se þe him lifes ofonn,
eaweð him egsan,     hwilum idel wuldor,
brægdwis bona     hafað bega cræft,
eahteð anbuendra.     Fore him englas stondað,
gearwe mid gæsta wæpnum,     beoþ hyra geoca gemyndge,
healdað haligra feorh,     witon hyra hyht mid dryhten.
þæt synd þa gecostan cempan     þa þam cyninge þeowað,
se næfre þa lean alegeð     þam þe his lufan adreogeð.
Magun we nu nemnan     þæt us neah gewearð
þurh haligne     had gecyþed,
hu Guðlac his     in godes willan
mod gerehte,     man eall forseah,
eorðlic æþelu,     upp gemunde
ham in heofonum.     Him wæs hyht to þam,
siþþan hine inlyhte     se þe lifes weg
gæstum gearwað,     ond him giefe sealde
engelcunde,     þæt he ana ongan
beorgseþel bugan,     ond his blæd gode
þurh eaðmedu     ealne gesealde,
ðone þe he on geoguðe     bigan sceolde
worulde wynnum.     Hine weard biheold
halig of heofonum,     se þæt hluttre mod
in þæs gæstes god     georne trymede.
Hwæt, we hyrdon oft     þæt se halga wer
in þa ærestan     ældu gelufade
frecnessa fela!     Fyrst wæs swa þeana
in godes dome,     hwonne Guðlace
on his ondgietan     engel sealde
þæt him sweðraden     synna lustas.
Tid wæs toweard;     hine twegen ymb
weardas wacedon,     þa gewin drugon,
engel dryhtnes     ond se atela gæst.
Nalæs hy him gelice     lare bæron
in his modes gemynd     mongum tidum.
Oþer him þas eorþan     ealle sægde
læne under lyfte,     ond þa longan god
herede on heofonum,     þær haligra
sawla gesittað     in sigorwuldre
dryhtnes dreamas;     he him dæda lean
georne gieldeð,     þam þe his giefe willað
þicgan to þonce     ond him þas woruld
uttor lætan     þonne þæt ece lif.
Oþer hyne scyhte,     þæt he sceaðena gemot
nihtes sohte     ond þurh neþinge
wunne æfter worulde,     swa doð wræcmæcgas
þa þe ne bimurnað     monnes feore
þæs þe him to honda     huþe gelædeð,
butan hy þy reafe     rædan motan.
Swa hy hine trymedon     on twa healfa
oþþæt þæs gewinnes     weoroda dryhten
on þæs engles dom     ende gereahte.
Feond wæs geflymed;     siþ þam frofre gæst
in Guðlaces     geoce gewunade,
lufade hine ond lærde     lenge hu geornor,
þæt him leofedan     londes wynne,
bold on beorhge.     Oft þær broga cwom
egeslic ond uncuð,     ealdfeonda nið,
searocræftum swiþ;     hy him sylf hyra
onsyn ywdon,     ond þær ær fela
setla gesæton.     þonan sið tugon
wide waðe,     wuldre byscyrede,
lyftlacende.     Wæs seo londes stow
bimiþen fore monnum,     oþþæt meotud onwrah
beorg on bearwe,     þa se bytla cwom
se þær haligne     ham arærde,
nales þy he giemde     þurh gitsunga
lænes lifwelan,     ac þæt lond gode
fægre gefreoþode,     siþþan feond oferwon
Cristes cempa.     He gecostad wearð
in gemyndigra     monna tidum,
ðara þe nu gena     þurh gæstlicu
wundor hine weorðiað     ond his wisdomes
hlisan healdað,     þæt se halga þeow
elne geeode,     þa he ana gesæt
dygle stowe.     ðær he dryhtnes lof
reahte ond rærde;     oft þurh reorde abead,
þam þe þrowera     þeawas lufedon,
godes ærendu,     þa him gæst onwrah
lifes snyttru,     þæt he his lichoman
wynna forwyrnde     ond woruldblissa,
seftra setla     ond symbeldaga,
swylce eac idelra     eagena wynna,
gierelan gielplices.     Him wæs godes egsa
mara in gemyndum     þonne he menniscum
þrymme æfter þonce     þegan wolde.
God wæs Guðlac!     He in gæste bær
heofoncundne hyht,     hælu geræhte
ecan lifes.     Him wæs engel neah,
fæle freoðuweard,     þam þe feara sum
mearclond gesæt.     þær he mongum wearð
bysen on Brytene,     siþþan biorg gestah
eadig oretta,     ondwiges heard.
Gyrede hine georne     mid gæstlicum
wæpnum     wong bletsade,
him to ætstælle     ærest arærde
Cristes rode,     þær se cempa oferwon
frecnessa fela.     Frome wurdun monge
godes þrowera;     we þæs Guðlaces
deorwyrðne dæl     dryhtne cennað.
He him sige sealde     ond snyttrucræft,
mundbyrd meahta,     þonne mengu cwom
feonda færscytum     fæhðe ræran.
Ne meahton hy æfeste     anforlætan,
ac to Guðlaces     gæste gelæddun
frasunga fela.     Him wæs fultum neah,
engel hine elne trymede,     þonne hy him yrre hweopan,
frecne fyres wylme.     Stodan him on feðehwearfum,
cwædon þæt he on þam beorge     byrnan sceolde
ond his lichoman     lig forswelgan,
þæt his earfeþu     eal gelumpe
modcearu mægum,     gif he monna dream
of þam orlege     eft ne wolde
sylfa gesecan,     ond his sibbe ryht
mid moncynne     maran cræfte
willum bewitigan,     lætan wræce stille.
Swa him yrsade,     se for ealle spræc
feonda mengu.     No þy forhtra wæs
Guðlaces gæst,     ac him god sealde
ellen wiþ þam egsan     þæt þæs ealdfeondes
scyldigra scolu     scome þrowedon;
wæron teonsmiðas     tornes fulle,
cwædon þæt him Guðlac     eac gode sylfum
earfeþa mæst     ana gefremede,
siþþan he for wlence     on westenne
beorgas bræce,     þær hy bidinge,
earme ondsacan,     æror mostun
æfter tintergum     tidum brucan,
ðonne hy of waþum     werge cwoman
restan ryneþragum,     rowe gefegon;
wæs him seo gelyfed     þurh lytel fæc.
Stod seo dygle stow     dryhtne in gemyndum
idel ond æmen,     eþelriehte feor,
bad bisæce     betran hyrdes.
To þon ealdfeondas     ondan noman,
swa hi singales     sorge dreogað.
Ne motun hi on eorþan     eardes brucan,
ne hy lyft swefeð     in leoma ræstum,
ac hy hleolease     hama þoliað,
in cearum cwiþað,     cwealmes wiscað,
willen þæt him dryhten     þurh deaðes cwealm
to hyra earfeða     ende geryme.
Ne mostun hy Guðlaces     gæste sceþþan,
ne þurh sarslege     sawle gedælan
wið lichoman,     ac hy ligesearwum
ahofun hearmstafas,     hleahtor alegdon,
sorge seofedon,     þa hi swiðra oferstag
weard on wonge.     Sceoldon wræcmæcgas
ofgiefan gnornende     grene beorgas.
Hwæþre hy þa gena,     godes ondsacan,
sægdon sarstafum,     swiþe geheton,
þæt he deaþa gedal     dreogan sceolde,
gif he leng bide     laþran gemotes,
hwonne hy mid mengu     maran cwome,
þa þe for his life     lyt sorgedon.
Guðlac him ongean þingode,     cwæð þæt hy gielpan ne þorftan
dædum wið dryhtnes meahtum.     "þeah þe ge me deað gehaten,
mec wile wið þam niþum genergan     se þe eowrum nydum wealdeð.
An is ælmihtig god,     se mec mæg eaðe gescyldan;
he min feorg freoþað.     Ic eow fela wille
soþa gesecgan.     Mæg ic þis setl on eow
butan earfeðum     ana geðringan.
Ne eam ic swa fealog,     swa ic eow fore stonde,
monna weorudes,     ac me mara dæl
in godcundum     gæstgerynum
wunað ond weaxeð,     se me wraþe healdeð.
Ic me anum her     eaðe getimbre
hus ond hleonað;     me on heofonum sind
lare gelonge.     Mec þæs lyt tweoþ
þæt me engel to     ealle gelædeð
spowende sped     spreca ond dæda.
Gewitað nu, awyrgde,     werigmode,
from þissum earde     þe ge her on stondað,
fleoð on feorweg.     Ic me frið wille
æt gode gegyrnan;     ne sceal min gæst mid eow
gedwolan dreogan,     ac mec dryhtnes hond
mundað mid mægne.     Her sceal min wesan
eorðlic eþel,     nales eower leng."
ða wearð breahtm hæfen.     Beorg ymbstodan
hwearfum wræcmæcgas.     Woð up astag,
cearfulra cirm.     Cleopedon monige,
feonda foresprecan,     firenum gulpon:
"Oft we ofersegon     bi sæm tweonum
þeoda þeawas,     þræce modigra,
þara þe in gelimpe     life weoldon.
No we oferhygdu     anes monnes
geond middangeard     maran fundon.
ðu þæt gehatest     þæt ðu ham on us
gegan wille,     ðe eart godes yrming.
Bi hwon scealt þu lifgan,     þeah þu lond age?
Ne þec mon hider     mose fedeð;
beoð þe hungor ond þurst     hearde gewinnan,
gif þu gewitest     swa wilde deor
ana from eþele.     Nis þæt onginn wiht!
Geswic þisses setles!     Ne mæg þec sellan ræd
mon gelæran     þonne þeos mengu eall.
We þe beoð holde     gif ðu us hyran wilt,
oþþe þec ungearo     eft gesecað
maran mægne,     þæt þe mon ne þearf
hondum hrinan,     ne þin hra feallan
wæpna wundum.     We þas wic magun
fotum afyllan;     folc in ðriceð
meara þreatum     ond monfarum.
Beoð þa gebolgne,     þa þec breodwiað,
tredað þec ond tergað,     ond hyra torn wrecað,
toberað þec blodgum lastum;     gif þu ure bidan þencest,
we þec niþa genægað.     Ongin þe generes wilnian,
far þær ðu freonda wene,     gif ðu þines feores recce."
Gearo wæs Guðlac,     hine god fremede
on ondsware     ond on elne strong.
Ne wond he for worde,     ac his wiþerbreocum
sorge gesægde,     cuðe him soð genog:
"Wid is þes westen,     wræcsetla fela,
eardas onhæle     earmra gæsta.
Sindon wærlogan     þe þa wic bugað.
þeah ge þa ealle     ut abanne,
ond eow eac gewyrce     widor sæce,
ge her ateoð     in þa tornwræce
sigeleasne sið.     No ic eow sweord ongean
mid gebolgne hond     oðberan þence,
worulde wæpen,     ne sceal þes wong gode
þurh blodgyte     gebuen weorðan,
ac ic minum Criste     cweman þence
leofran lace.     Nu ic þis lond gestag,
fela ge me earda     þurh idel word
aboden habbað.     Nis min breostsefa
forht ne fæge,     ac me friðe healdeð
ofer monna cyn     se þe mægna gehwæs
weorcum wealdeð.     Nis me wiht æt eow
leofes gelong,     ne ge me laþes wiht
gedon motun.     Ic eom dryhtnes þeow,
he mec þurh engel     oft afrefreð.
Forðon mec longeþas     lyt gegretað,
sorge sealdun,     nu mec sawelcund
hyrde bihealdeð.     Is min hyht mid god,
ne ic me eorðwelan     owiht sinne,
ne me mid mode     micles gyrne,
ac me dogra gehwam     dryhten sendeð
þurh monnes hond     mine þearfe."
Swa modgade,     se wið mongum stod,
awreðed weorðlice     wuldres cempa
engla mægne.     Gewat eal þonan
feonda mengu.     Ne wæs se fyrst micel
þe hi Guðlace     forgiefan þohtan.
He wæs on elne     ond on eaðmedum,
bad on beorge,     (wæs him botles neod),
forlet longeþas     lænra dreama.
No he hine wið monna     miltse gedælde,
ac gesynta bæd     sawla gehwylcre,
þonne he to eorðan     on þam anade
hleor onhylde.     Him of heofonum wearð
onbryrded breostsefa     bliðe gæste.
Oft eahtade,     (wæs him engel neah),
hu þisse worulde     wynna þorfte
mid his lichoman     læsast brucan.
No him fore egsan     earmra gæsta
treow getweode,     ne he tid forsæt
þæs þe he for his dryhtne     dreogan sceolde,
þæt hine æreste     elne binoman
slæpa sluman     oþþe sæne mod.
Swa sceal oretta     a in his mode
gode compian,     ond his gæst beran
oft on ondan     þam þe eahtan wile
sawla gehwylcre     þær he gesælan mæg.
Symle hy Guðlac     in godes willan
fromne fundon,     þonne flygereowe
þurh nihta genipu     neosan cwoman,
þa þe onhæle     eardas weredon,
hwæþre him þæs wonges     wyn sweðrade;
woldun þæt him to mode     fore monlufan
sorg gesohte,     þæt he siþ tuge
eft to eþle.     Ne wæs þæt ongin swylc,
ðonne hine engel     on þam anade
geornast grette     ond him giefe sealde,
þæt hine ne meahte     meotudes willan
longað gelettan,     ac he on þæs lareowes
wære gewunade.     Oft worde bicwæð:
"Huru, þæs bihofað,     se ðe him halig gæst
wisað on willan     ond his weorc trymað,
laþað hine liþum wordum,     gehateð him lifes reste,
þæt he þæs latteowes     larum hyre,
ne lete him ealdfeond     eft oncyrran
mod from his meotude.     Hu sceal min cuman
gæst to geoce,     nemne ic gode sylle
hyrsumne hige,     þæt him heortan geþonc
...... ær oþþe sið     ende geweorðe,
þæt ge mec to wundre     wegan motun.
Ne mæg min lichoma     wið þas lænan gesceaft
deað gedælan,     ac he gedreosan sceal,
swa þeos eorðe eall     þe ic her on stonde.
ðeah ge minne flæschoman     fyres wylme
forgripen gromhydge     gifran lege,
næfre ge mec of þissum wordum onwendað     þendan mec min gewit gelæsteð.
þeah þe ge hine sarum forsæcen,     ne motan ge mine sawle gretan,
ac ge on betran gebringað.     Forðan ic gebidan wille
þæs þe me min dryhten demeð.     Nis me þæs deaþes sorg.
ðeah min ban ond blod     bu tu geweorþen
eorþan to eacan,     min se eca dæl
in gefean fareð,     þær he fægran
botles bruceð.     Nis þisses beorges setl
meodumre ne mara     þonne hit men duge
se þe in þrowingum     þeodnes willan
dæghwam dreogeð.     Ne sceal se dryhtnes þeow
in his modsefan     mare gelufian
eorþan æhtwelan     þonne his anes gemet,
þæt he his lichoman     lade hæbbe."
ða wæs eft swa ær     ealdfeonda nið,
wroht onwylled;     woð oþer
ne lythwon leoðode,     þonne in lyft astag
ceargesta cirm.     Symle Cristes lof
in Guðlaces     godum mode
weox ond wunade,     ond hine weoruda god
freoðade on foldan,     swa he feora gehwylc
healdeð in hælo,     þær se hyra gæst
þihð in þeawum.     He wæs þeara sum;
ne won he æfter worulde,     ac he in wuldre ahof
modes wynne.     Hwylc wæs mara þonne se?
An oretta     ussum tidum
cempa gecyðeð     þæt him Crist fore
woruldlicra ma     wundra gecyðde.
He hine scilde     wið sceðþendra
eglum onfengum     earmra gæsta;
wæron hy reowe     to ræsanne
gifrum grapum.     No god wolde
þæt seo sawl þæs     sar þrowade
in lichoman,     lyfde seþeana
þæt hy him mid hondum     hrinan mosten,
ond þæt frið wið hy     gefreoþad wære.
Hy hine þa hofun     on þa hean lyft,
sealdon him meahte     ofer monna cynn,
þæt he fore eagum     eall sceawode
under haligra     hyrda gewealdum
in mynsterum     monna gebæru,
þara þe hyra lifes     þurh lust brucan,
idlum æhtum     ond oferwlencum,
gierelum gielplicum,     swa bið geoguðe þeaw,
þær þæs ealdres     egsa ne styreð.
No þær þa feondas     gefeon þorfton,
ac þæs blædes hraðe     gebrocen hæfdon
þe him alyfed wæs     lytle hwile,
þæt hy his lichoman     leng ne mostan
witum wælan;     ne him wiht gescod
þæs þe hy him to teonan     þurhtogen hæfdon.
Læddun hine þa of lyfte     to þam leofestan
earde on eorðan,     þæt he eft gestag
beorg on bearwe.     Bonan gnornedon,
mændon murnende     þæt hy monnes bearn
þream oferþunge,     ond swa þearfendlic
him to earfeðum     ana cwome,
gif hy him ne meahte     maran sarum
gyldan gyrnwræce.     Guðlac sette
hyht in heofonas,     hælu getreowde,
hæfde feonda feng     feore gedyged.
Wæs seo æreste     earmra gæsta
costung ofercumen.     Cempa wunade
bliþe on beorge,     wæs his blæd mid god.
ðuhte him on mode     þæt se moncynnes
eadig wære     se þe his anum her
feore gefreoðade,     þæt him feondes hond
æt þam ytmestan     ende ne scode,
þonne him se dryhtnes     dom wisade
to þam nyhstan     nydgedale.
Hwæþre him þa gena     gyrna gemyndge
edwitsprecan     ermþu geheton
tornum teoncwidum.     Treow wæs gecyþed,
þætte Guðlace     god leanode
ellen mid arum,     þæt he ana gewon.
Him se werga gæst     wordum sægde:
"No we þe þus swiðe     swencan þorftan,
þær þu fromlice     freonda larum
hyran wolde,     þa þu hean ond earm
on þis orlege     ærest cwome,
ða þu gehete     þæt þec halig gæst
wið earfeþum     eaðe gescilde,
for þam myrcelse     þe þec monnes hond
from þinre onsyne     æþelum ahwyrfde.
In þam mægwlite     monge lifgað,
gyltum forgiefene;     nales gode þigað,
ac hy lichoman     fore lufan cwemað
wista wynnum.     Swa ge weorðmyndu
in dolum dreame     dryhtne gieldað.
Fela ge fore monnum miþað     þæs þe ge in mode gehycgað;
ne beoð eowre dæda dyrne,     þeah þe ge hy in dygle gefremme.
We þec in lyft gelæddun,     oftugon þe londes wynna,
woldun þu þe sylfa gesawe     þæt we þec soð onstældun.
Ealles þu þæs wite awunne;     forþon þu hit onwendan ne meahtes."
ða wæs agongen     þæt him god wolde
æfter þrowinga     þonc gegyldan
þæt he martyrhad     mode gelufade,
sealde him snyttru     on sefan gehygdum,
mægenfæste gemynd.     He wið mongum stod
ealdfeonda,     elne gebylded,
sægde him to sorge     þæt hy sigelease
þone grenan wong     ofgiefan sceoldan:
"Ge sind forscadene,     on eow scyld siteð!
Ne cunnon ge dryhten     duguþe biddan,
ne mid eaðmedum     are secan,
þeah þe eow alyfde     lytle hwile,
þæt ge min onwald     agan mosten;
ne ge þæt geþyldum     þicgan woldan,
ac mec yrringa     up gelæddon,
þæt ic of lyfte     londa getimbru
geseon meahte.     Wæs me swegles leoht
torht ontyned,     þeah ic torn druge.
Setton me in edwit     þæt ic eaðe forbær
rume regulas     ond reþe mod
geongra monna     in godes templum;
woldan þy gehyrwan     haligra lof,
sohtun þa sæmran,     ond þa sellan no
demdan æfter dædum.     Ne beoð þa dyrne swa þeah.
Ic eow soð siþþon     secgan wille.
God scop geoguðe     ond gumena dream;
ne magun þa æfteryld     in þam ærestan
blæde geberan,     ac hy blissiað
worulde wynnum,     oððæt wintra rim
gegæð in þa geoguðe,     þæt se gæst lufað
onsyn ond ætwist     yldran hades,
ðe gemete monige     geond middangeard
þeowiað in þeawum.     þeodum ywaþ
wisdom weras,     wlencu forleosað,
siððan geoguðe     geað gæst aflihð.
þæt ge ne scirað,     ac ge scyldigra
synne secgað,     soþfæstra no
mod ond monþeaw     mæran willað.
Gefeoð in firenum,     frofre ne wenað,
þæt ge wræcsiða     wyrpe gebiden.
Oft ge in gestalum stondað;     þæs cymeð steor of heofonum.
Me þonne sige sendeð     se usic semon mæg,
se þe lifa gehwæs     lengu wealdeð."
Swa hleoþrade     halig cempa;
wæs se martyre     from moncynnes
synnum asundrad.     Sceolde he sares þa gen
dæl adreogan,     ðeah þe dryhten his
witum weolde.     Hwæt, þæt wundra sum
monnum þuhte,     þæt he ma wolde
afrum onfengum     earme gæstas
hrinan leton,     ond þæt hwæþre gelomp!
Wæs þæt gen mara,     þæt he middangeard
sylfa gesohte,     ond his swat ageat
on bonena hond;     ahte bega geweald,
lifes ond deaðes,     þa he lustum dreag
eaðmod on eorðan     ehtendra nið.
Forþon is nu arlic     þæt we æfæstra
dæde demen,     secgen dryhtne lof
ealra þara bisena     þe us bec fore
þurh his wundra geweorc     wisdom cyþað.
Geofu wæs mid Guðlac     in godcundum
mægne gemeted.     Micel is to secgan
eall æfter orde,     þæt he on elne adreag:
ðone foregengan     fæder ælmihtig
wið onhælum     ealdorgewinnum
sylfa gesette,     þær his sawl wearð
clæne ond gecostad.     Cuð is wide
geond middangeard     þæt his mod geþah
in godes willan;     is þæs gen fela
to secgenne,     þæs þe he sylfa adreag
under nyðgista     nearwum clommum.
He þa sar forseah,     a þære sawle wel
þæs mundboran     þe þæt mod geheold,
þæt him ne getweode     treow in breostum,
ne him gnornunga     gæste scodun,
ac se hearda hyge     halig wunade,
oþþæt he þa bysgu     oferbiden hæfde.
þrea wæron þearle,     þegnas grimme,
ealle hy þam feore     fyl gehehton.
No hy hine to deaðe     deman moston,
synna hyrdas,     ac seo sawul bad
in lichoman     leofran tide.
Georne hy ongeaton     þæt hyne god wolde
nergan wið niþum     ond hyra nydwræce
deope deman.     Swa dryhten mæg,
ana ælmihtig,     eadigra gehwone
wið earfeþum     eaðe gescildan.
Hwæðre hine gebrohton     bolgenmode,
wraðe wræcmæcgas,     wuldres cempan,
halig husulbearn,     æt heldore,
þær firenfulra     fæge gæstas
æfter swyltcwale     secan onginnað
ingong ærest     in þæt atule hus,
niþer under næssas     neole grundas.
Hy hine bregdon,     budon orlege,
egsan ond ondan     arleaslice,
frecne fore,     swa bið feonda þeaw,
þonne hy soðfæstra     sawle willað
synnum beswican     ond searocræftum.
Ongunnon gromheorte     godes orettan
in sefan swencan,     swiþe geheton
þæt he in þone grimman gryre     gongan sceolde,
hweorfan gehyned     to helwarum,
ond þær in bendum     bryne þrowian.
Woldun hy geteon     mid torncwidum
earme aglæcan     in orwennysse,
meotudes cempan.     Hit ne meahte swa!
Cwædon cearfulle,     Criste laðe,
to Guðlace     mid grimnysse:
"Ne eart ðu gedefe,     ne dryhtnes þeow
clæne gecostad,     ne cempa god,
wordum ond weorcum     wel gecyþed,
halig in heortan.     Nu þu in helle scealt
deope gedufan,     nales dryhtnes leoht
habban in heofonum,     heahgetimbru,
seld on swegle,     forþon þu synna to fela,
facna gefremedes     in flæschoman.
We þe nu willað     womma gehwylces
lean forgieldan,     þær þe laþast bið
in ðam grimmestan     gæstgewinne."
Him se eadga wer     ondswarode,
Guðlac in gæste     mid godes mægne:
"Doð efne swa,     gif eow dryhten Crist,
lifes leohtfruma     lyfan wylle,
weoruda waldend,     þæt ge his wergengan
in þone laðan leg     lædan motan.
þæt is in gewealdum     wuldorcyninges,
se eow gehynde     ond in hæft bidraf
under nearone clom,     nergende Crist.
Eom ic eaðmod his     ombiehthera,
þeow geþyldig.     Ic geþafian sceal
æghwær ealles     his anne dom,
ond him geornlice     gæstgemyndum
wille wideferh     wesan underþyded,
hyran holdlice     minum hælende
þeawum ond geþyncðum,     ond him þoncian
ealra þara giefena     þe god gescop
englum ærest     ond eorðwarum;
ond ic bletsige     bliðe mode
lifes leohtfruman,     ond him lof singe
þurh gedefne dom     dæges ond nihtes,
herge in heortan     heofonrices weard.
þæt eow æfre ne bið     ufan alyfed
leohtes lissum,     þæt ge lof moten
dryhtne secgan,     ac ge deaðe sceolon
weallendne wean     wope besingan,
heaf in helle,     nales herenisse
halge habban     heofoncyninges.
Ic þone deman     in dagum minum
wille weorþian     wordum ond dædum,
lufian in life,     swa is lar ond ar
to spowendre     spræce gelæded,
þam þe in his weorcum     willan ræfnað.
Sindon ge wærlogan,     swa ge in wræcsiðe
longe lifdon,     lege bisencte,
swearte beswicene,     swegle benumene,
dreame bidrorene,     deaðe bifolene,
firenum bifongne,     feores orwenan,
þæt ge blindnesse     bote fundon.
Ge þa fægran gesceaft     in fyrndagum,
gæstlicne goddream,     gearo forsegon,
þa ge wiðhogdun     halgum dryhtne.
Ne mostun ge a wunian     in wyndagum,
ac mid scome scyldum     scofene wurdon
fore oferhygdum     in ece fyr,
ðær ge sceolon dreogan     deað ond þystro,
wop to widan ealdre;     næfre ge þæs wyrpe gebidað.
Ond ic þæt gelyfe     in liffruman,
ecne onwealdan     ealra gesceafta,
þæt he mec for miltsum     ond mægenspedum,
niðða nergend,     næfre wille
þurh ellenweorc     anforlætan,
þam ic longe     in lichoman
ond in minum gæste     gode campode
þurh monigfealdra     mægna gerynu.
Forðon ic getrywe     in þone torhtestan
þrynesse þrym,     se geþeahtingum
hafað in hondum     heofon ond eorðan,
þæt ge mec mid niþum     næfre motan
tornmode teon     in tintergu,
mine myrðran     ond mansceaþan,
swearte sigelease.     Eom ic soðlice
leohte geleafan     ond mid lufan dryhtnes
fægre gefylled     in minum feorhlocan,
breostum inbryrded     to þam betran ham,
leomum inlyhted     to þam leofestan
ecan earde,     þær is eþellond
fæger ond gefealic     in fæder wuldre,
ðær eow næfre     fore nergende
leohtes leoma     ne lifes hyht
in godes rice     agiefen weorþeð,
for þam oferhygdum     þe eow in mod astag
þurh idel gylp     ealles to swiðe.
Wendun ge ond woldun,     wiþerhycgende,
þæt ge scyppende     sceoldan gelice
wesan in wuldre.     Eow þær wyrs gelomp,
ða eow se waldend     wraðe bisencte
in þæt swearte susl,     þær eow siððan wæs
ad inæled     attre geblonden,
þurh deopne dom     dream afyrred,
engla gemana.     Swa nu awa sceal
wesan wideferh,     þæt ge wærnysse
brynewylm hæbben,     nales bletsunga.
Ne þurfun ge wenan,     wuldre biscyrede,
þæt ge mec synfulle     mid searocræftum
under scæd sconde     scufan motan,
ne in bælblæsan     bregdon on hinder
in helle hus,     þær eow is ham sceapen,
sweart sinnehte,     sacu butan ende,
grim gæstcwalu.     þær ge gnornende
deað sceolon dreogan,     ond ic dreama wyn
agan mid englum     in þam uplican
rodera rice,     þær is ryht cyning,
help ond hælu     hæleþa cynne,
duguð ond drohtað."     ða cwom dryhtnes ar,
halig of heofonum,     se þurh hleoþor abead
ufancundne ege     earmum gæstum;
het eft hraðe     unscyldigne
of þam wræcsiðe     wuldres cempan
lædan limhalne,     þæt se leofesta
gæst gegearwad     in godes wære
on gefean ferde.     ða wearð feonda þreat
acol for ðam egsan.     Ofermæcga spræc,
dyre dryhtnes þegn,     dæghluttre scan.
Hæfde Guðlaces     gæst in gewealdum
modig mundbora,     meahtum spedig,
þeostra þegnas     þreaniedlum bond,
nyd onsette     ond geneahhe bibead:
"Ne sy him banes bryce     ne blodig wund,
lices læla     ne laþes wiht,
þæs þe ge him to dare     gedon motan,
ac ge hine gesundne asettaþ     þær ge hine sylfne genoman.
He sceal þy wonge wealdan,     ne magon ge him þa wic forstondan.
Ic eom se dema,     se mec dryhten heht
snude gesecgan,     þæt ge him sara gehwylc
hondum gehælde,     ond him hearsume
on his sylfes dom     siþþan wæron.
Ne sceal ic mine onsyn     fore eowere
mengu miþan.     Ic eom meotudes þegn.
Eom ic þara twelfa sum     þe he getreoweste
under monnes hiw     mode gelufade.
He mec of heofonum     hider onsende,
geseah þæt ge on eorðan     fore æfstum
on his wergengan     wite legdon.
Is þæt min broþor,     mec his bysgu gehreaw.
Ic þæt gefremme,     þær se freond wunað
on þære socne,     þe ic þa sibbe wið hine
healdan wille,     nu ic his helpan mot,
þæt ge min onsynn     oft sceawiað.
Nu ic his geneahhe     neosan wille;
sceal ic his word ond his weorc     in gewitnesse
dryhtne lædon.     He his dæde conn."
ða wæs Guðlaces     gæst geblissad,
siþþan Bartholomeus     aboden hæfde
godes ærendu.     Gearwe stodun
hæftas hearsume,     þa þæs halgan word
lyt oferleordun.     Ongon þa leofne sið
dragan domeadig     dryhtnes cempa
to þam onwillan     eorðan dæle.
Hy hine bæron     ond him bryce heoldon,
hofon hine hondum     ond him hryre burgun.
Wæron hyra gongas     under godes egsan
smeþe ond gesefte.     Sigehreðig cwom
bytla to þam beorge.     Hine bletsadon
monge mægwlitas,     meaglum reordum,
treofugla tuddor,     tacnum cyðdon
eadges eftcyme.     Oft he him æte heold,
þonne hy him hungrige     ymb hond flugon
grædum gifre,     geoce gefegon.
Swa þæt milde mod     wið moncynnes
dreamum gedælde,     dryhtne þeowde,
genom him to wildeorum wynne,     siþþan he þas woruld forhogde.
Smolt wæs se sigewong     ond sele niwe,
fæger fugla reord,     folde geblowen;
geacas gear budon.     Guþlac moste
eadig ond onmod     eardes brucan.
Stod se grena wong     in godes wære;
hæfde se heorde,     se þe of heofonum cwom,
feondas afyrde.     Hwylc wæs fægerra
willa geworden     in wera life,
þara þe yldran     usse gemunde,
oþþe we selfe     siþþan cuþen?
Hwæt we þissa wundra     gewitan sindon!
Eall þas geeodon     in ussera
tida timan.     Forþon þæs tweogan ne þearf
ænig ofer eorðan     ælda cynnes,
ac swilc god wyrceð     gæsta lifes
to trumnaþe,     þy læs þa tydran mod
þa gewitnesse     wendan þurfe,
þonne hy in gesihþe     soþes brucað.
Swa se ælmihtiga     ealle gesceafte
lufað under lyfte     in lichoman,
monna mægðe     geond middangeard.
Wile se waldend     þæt we wisdom a
snyttrum swelgen,     þæt his soð fore us
on his giefena gyld     genge weorðe,
ða he us to are     ond to ondgiete
syleð ond sendeð,     sawlum rymeð
liþe lifwegas     leohte geræhte.
Nis þæt huru læsast     þæt seo lufu cyþeð,
þonne heo in monnes     mode getimbreð
gæstcunde gife,     swa he Guðlaces
dagas ond dæde     þurh his dom ahof.
Wæs se fruma fæstlic     feondum on ondan,
geseted wið synnum,     þær he siþþan lyt
wære gewonade,     oft his word gode
þurh eaðmedu     up onsende,
let his ben cuman     in þa beorhtan gesceaft,
þoncade þeodne     þæs þe he in þrowingum
bidan moste,     hwonne him betre lif
þurh godes willan     agyfen wurde.
Swa wæs Guðlaces     gæst gelæded
engla fæðmum     in uprodor,
fore onsyne     eces deman
læddon leoflice.     Him wæs lean geseald,
setl on swegle,     þær he symle mot
awo to ealdre     eardfæst wesan,
bliðe bidan.     Is him bearn godes
milde mundbora,     meahtig dryhten,
halig hyrde,     heofonrices weard.
Swa soðfæstra     sawla motun
in ecne geard     up gestigan
rodera rice,     þa þe ræfnað her
wordum ond weorcum     wuldorcyninges
lare longsume,     on hyra lifes tid
earniað on eorðan     ecan lifes,
hames in heahþu.     þæt beoð husulweras,
cempan gecorene,     Criste leofe,
berað in breostum     beorhtne geleafan,
haligne hyht,     heortan clæne
weorðiað waldend,     habbað wisne geþoht,
fusne on forðweg     to fæder eðle,
gearwaþ gæstes hus,     ond mid gleawnesse
feond oferfeohtað     ond firenlustas
forberað in breostum,     broþorsibbe
georne bigongað,     in godes willan
swencað hi sylfe,     sawle frætwað
halgum gehygdum,     heofoncyninges bibod
fremmað on foldan.     Fæsten lufiað,
beorgað him bealoniþ     ond gebedu secað,
swincað wið synnum,     healdað soð ond ryht.
Him þæt ne hreoweð     æfter hingonge,
ðonne hy hweorfað     in þa halgan burg,
gongað gegnunga     to Hierusalem,
þær hi to worulde     wynnum motun
godes onsyne     georne bihealdan,
sibbe ond gesihðe,     þær heo soð wunað,
wlitig, wuldorfæst,     ealne widan ferh
on lifgendra     londes wynne.
ðæt is wide cuð     wera cneorissum,
folcum gefræge,     þætte frymþa god
þone ærestan     ælda cynnes
of þære clænestan,     cyning ælmihtig,
foldan geworhte.     ða wæs fruma niwe
elda tudres,     onstæl wynlic,
fæger ond gefealic.     Fæder wæs acenned
Adam ærest     þurh est godes
on neorxnawong,     þær him nænges wæs
willan onsyn,     ne welan brosnung,
ne lifes lyre     ne lices hryre,
ne dreames dryre     ne deaðes cyme,
ac he on þam lande     lifgan moste
ealra leahtra leas,     longe neotan
niwra gefeana.     þær he no þorfte
lifes ne lissa     in þam leohtan ham
þurh ælda tid     ende gebidan,
ac æfter fyrste     to þam færestan
heofonrices gefean     hweorfan mostan,
leomu lic somud     ond lifes gæst,
ond þær siþþan a     in sindreamum
to widan feore     wunian mostun
dryhtne on gesihðe,     butan deaðe forð,
gif hy halges word     healdan woldun
beorht in breostum,     ond his bebodu læstan,
æfnan on eðle.     Hy to ær aþreat
þæt hy waldendes     willan læsten,
ac his wif genom     wyrmes larum
blede forbodene,     ond of beame ahneop
wæstm biweredne     ofer word godes,
wuldorcyninges,     ond hyre were sealde
þurh deofles searo     deaðberende gyfl
þæt ða sinhiwan     to swylte geteah.
Siþþan se eþel     uðgenge wearð
Adame ond Euan,     eardwica cyst
beorht oðbroden,     ond hyra bearnum swa,
eaferum æfter,     þa hy on uncyððu,
scomum scudende,     scofene wurdon
on gewinworuld.     Weorces onguldon,
deopra firena,     þurh deaðes cwealm,
þe hy unsnyttrum     ær gefremedon.
þære synwræce     siþþan sceoldon
mægð ond mæcgas     morþres ongyldon,
godscyldge gyrn     þurh gæstgedal,
deopra firena.     Deað in geþrong
fira cynne,     feond rixade
geond middangeard.     Nænig monna wæs
of þam sigetudre     siþþan æfre
godes willan þæs georn,     ne gynnwised,
þæt he bibugan mæge     þone bitran drync
þone Eue fyrn     Adame geaf,
byrelade bryd geong;     þæt him bam gescod
in þam deoran ham.     Deað ricsade
ofer foldbuend,     þeah þe fela wære
gæsthaligra,     þær hi godes willan
on mislicum     monna gebihþum
æfter stedewonga     stowum fremedon;
sume ær, sume sið,     sume in urra
æfter tælmearce     tida gemyndum
sigorlean sohtun.     Us secgað bec
hu Guðlac wearð     þurh godes willan
eadig on Engle.     He him ece geceas
meaht ond mundbyrd.     Mære wurdon
his wundra geweorc     wide ond side,
breme æfter burgum     geond Bryten innan,
hu he monge oft     þurh meaht godes
gehælde hygegeomre     hefigra wita,
þe hine unsofte,     adle gebundne,
sarge gesohtun     of siðwegum,
freorigmode.     Symle frofre þær
æt þam godes cempan     gearwe fundon,
helpe ond hælo.     Nænig hæleþa is
þe areccan mæge     oþþe rim wite
ealra þara wundra     þe he in worulde her
þurh dryhtnes giefe     dugeþum gefremede.
Oft to þam wicum     weorude cwomun
deofla deaðmægen     duguþa byscyrede
hloþum þringan,     þær se halga þeow
elnes anhydig     eard weardade.
þær hy mislice     mongum reordum
on þam westenne     woðe hofun
hludne herecirm,     hiwes binotene,
dreamum bidrorene.     Dryhtnes cempa,
from folctoga,     feonda þreatum
wiðstod stronglice.     Næs seo stund latu
earmra gæsta,     ne þæt onbid long,
þæt þa wrohtsmiðas     wop ahofun,
hreopun hreðlease,     hleoþrum brugdon.
Hwilum wedende     swa wilde deor
cirmdon on corðre,     hwilum cyrdon eft
minne mansceaþan     on mennisc hiw
breahtma mæste,     hwilum brugdon eft
awyrgde wærlogan     on wyrmes bleo,
earme adloman     attre spiowdon.
Symle hy Guðlac     gearene fundon,
þonces gleawne.     He geþyldum bad,
þeah him feonda hloð     feorhcwealm bude.
Hwilum him to honda     hungre geþreatad
fleag fugla cyn,     þær hy feorhnere
witude fundon     ond hine weorðedon
meaglum stefnum.     Hwilum mennisce
aras eaðmedum     eft neosedon,
ond þær siðfrome     on þam sigewonge
æt þam halgan þeowan     helpe gemetton,
ferðþes frofre.     Nænig forþum wæs,
þæt he æwiscmod     eft siðade,
hean, hyhta leas,     ac se halga wer
ælda gehwylces     þurh þa æþelan meaht,
þe hine seoslige     sohtun on ðearfe,
hæleð hygegeomre,     hælde bu tu
lic ond sawle,     þenden lifes weard,
ece ælmihtig,     unnan wolde
þæt he blædes her     brucan moste,
worulde lifes.     Wæs gewinnes þa
yrmþa for eorðan     endedogor
þurh nydgedal     neah geþrungen,
siþþan he on westenne     wiceard geceas,
fiftynu gear,     þa wæs frofre gæst
eadgum æbodan     ufan onsended,
halig of heahþu.     Hreþer innan born,
afysed on forðsið.     Him færinga
adl in gewod.     He on elne swa þeah
ungeblyged bad     beorhtra gehata
bliþe in burgum.     Wæs þam bancofan
æfter nihtglome     neah geþrungen,
breosthord onboren.     Wæs se bliþa gæst
fus on forðweg.     Nolde fæder engla
in þisse wonsælgan     worulde life
leahtra leasne     longfyrst ofer þæt
wunian leton,     þe him on weorcum her
on his dagena tid     dædum gecwemde
elne unslawe.     ða se ælmihtiga
let his hond cuman     þær se halga þeow,
deormod on degle     domeadig bad,
heard ond hygerof.     Hyht wæs geniwad,
blis in breostum.     Wæs se bancofa
adle onæled,     inbendum fæst,
lichord onlocen.     Leomu hefegedon,
sarum gesohte.     He þæt soð gecneow
þæt hine ælmihtig     ufan neosade,
meotud fore miltsum.     He his modsefan
wið þam færhagan     fæste trymede
feonda gewinna.     Næs he forht seþeah,
ne seo adlþracu     egle on mode,
ne deaðgedal,     ac him dryhtnes lof
born in breostum,     brondhat lufu
sigorfæst in sefan,     seo him sara gehwylc
symle forswiðde.     Næs him sorgcearu
on þas lænan tid,     þeah his lic ond gæst
hyra somwiste,     sinhiwan tu,
deore gedælden.     Dagas forð scridun,
nihthelma genipu.     Wæs neah seo tid
þæt he fyrngewyrht     fyllan sceolde
þurh deaðes cyme,     domes hleotan,
efne þæs ilcan     þe usse yldran fyrn
frecne onfengon,     swa him biforan worhton
þa ærestan     ælda cynnes.
ða wæs Guðlace     on þa geocran tid
mægen gemeðgad,     mod swiþe heard,
elnes anhydig.     Wæs seo adl þearl,
hat ond heorogrim.     Hreþer innan weol,
born banloca.     Bryþen wæs ongunnen
þætte Adame     Eue gebyrmde
æt fruman worulde.     Feond byrlade
ærest þære idese,     ond heo Adame,
hyre swæsum were,     siþþan scencte
bittor bædeweg.     þæs þa byre siþþan
grimme onguldon     gafulrædenne
þurh ærgewyrht,     þætte ænig ne wæs
fyra cynnes     from fruman siððan
mon on moldan,     þætte meahte him
gebeorgan ond bibugan     þone bleatan drync,
deopan deaðweges,     ac him duru sylfa
on þa sliðnan tid     sona ontyneð,
ingong geopenað.     Ne mæg ænig þam
flæsce bifongen     feore wiðstondan,
ricra ne heanra,     ac hine ræseð on
gifrum grapum.     Swa wæs Guðlace
enge anhoga     ætryhte þa
æfter nihtscuan     neah geþyded,
wiga wælgifre.     Hine wunade mid
an ombehtþegn,     se hine æghwylce
daga neosade.     Ongan ða deophydig,
gleawmod gongan     to godes temple,
þær he eþelbodan     inne wiste,
þone leofestan     lareow gecorenne,
ond þa in eode     eadgum to spræce,
wolde hyrcnigan     halges lara,
mildes meþelcwida.     Fonde þa his mondryhten
adlwerigne;     him ðæt in gefeol
hefig æt heortan.     Hygesorge wæg,
micle modceare.     Ongan ða his magu frignan:
"Hu gewearð þe þus,     winedryhten min,
fæder, freonda hleo,     ferð gebysgad,
nearwe geneged?     Ic næfre þe,
þeoden leofesta,     þyslicne ær
gemette þus meðne.     Meaht þu meðelcwidum
worda gewealdan?     Is me on wene geþuht,
þæt þe untrymnes     adle gongum
on þisse nyhstan     niht bysgade,
sarbennum gesoht.     þæt me sorgna is
hatost on hreþre,     ær þu hyge minne
ferð afrefre.     Wast þu, freodryhten,
hu þeos adle scyle     ende gesettan?"
Him þa sið oncwæð,     sona ne meahte
oroð up geteon;     wæs him in bogen
bittor bancoþa.     Beald reordade
eadig on elne,     ondcwis ageaf:
"Ic wille secgan     þæt me sar gehran,
wærc in gewod     in ðisse wonnan niht,
lichord onleac.     Leomu hefegiað,
sarum gesohte.     Sceal þis sawelhus,
fæge flæschoma,     foldærne biþeaht,
leomu lames geþacan,     legerbedde fæst
wunian wælræste.     Wiga nealæceð,
unlæt laces.     Ne bið þæs lengra swice
sawelgedales     þonne seofon niht
fyrstgemearces,     þæt min feorh heonan
on þisse eahteþan     ende geseceð
dæg scriþende.     þonne dogor beoð
on moldwege     min forð scriþen,
sorg gesweðrad,     ond ic siþþan mot
fore meotudes cneowum     meorda hleotan,
gingra geafena,     ond godes lomber
in sindreamum     siþþan awo
forð folgian;     is nu fus ðider
gæst siþes georn.     Nu þu gearwe const
leoma lifgedal;     long is þis onbid
worulde lifes."     ða wæs wop ond heaf,
geongum geocor sefa,     geomrende hyge,
siþþan he gehyrde     þæt se halga wæs
forðsiþes fus.     He þæs færspelles
fore his mondryhtne     modsorge wæg,
hefige æt heortan.     Hreþer innan swearc,
hyge hreowcearig,     þæs þe his hlaford geseah
ellorfusne.     He þæs onbæru
habban ne meahte,     ac he hate let
torn þoliende     tearas geotan,
weallan wægdropan.     Wyrd ne meahte
in fægum leng     feorg gehealdan,
deore frætwe,     þonne him gedemed wæs.
Ongeat gæsta halig     geomormodes
drusendne hyge.     Ongan þa duguþa hleo,
glædmod gode leof,     geongran retan,
wine leofestan     wordum negan:
"Ne beo þu unrot,     ðeah þeos adl me
innan æle.     Nis me earfeðe
to geþolianne     þeodnes willan,
dryhtnes mines,     ne ic þæs deaðes hafu
on þas seocnan tid     sorge on mode,
ne ic me herehloðe     helle þegna
swiðe onsitte,     ne mæg synne on me
facnes frumbearn     fyrene gestælan,
lices leahtor,     ac in lige sceolon
sorgwylmum soden     sar wanian,
wræcsið wepan,     wilna biscirede
in þam deaðsele     duguða gehwylcre,
lufena ond lissa.     Min þæt leofe bearn,
ne beo þu on sefan to seoc.     Ic eom siþes fus
upeard niman     edleana georn
in þam ecan gefean,     ærgewyrhtum
geseon sigora frean,     min þæt swæse bearn.
Nis me wracu ne gewin,     þæt ic wuldres god
sece swegelcyning,     þær is sib ond blis,
domfæstra dream,     dryhten ondweard,
þam ic georne     gæstgerynum,
in þas dreorgan tid     dædum cwemde,
mode ond mægne.     Ic þa meorde wat
leahtorlease,     lean unhwilen,
halig on heahþu.     þær min hyht myneð
to gesecenne,     sawul fundað
of licfate     to þam longan gefean
in eadwelan.     Nis þes eþel me
ne sar ne sorg.     Ic me sylfum wat
æfter lices hryre     lean unhwilen."
ða se wuldormaga     worda gestilde,
rof runwita;     wæs him ræste neod,
reonigmodum.     Rodor swamode
ofer niðða bearn,     nihtrim scridon,
deorc ofer dugeðum.     þa se dæg bicwom
on þam se lifgenda     in lichoman,
ece ælmihtig     ærist gefremede,
dryhten mid dreame,     ða he of deaðe aras
onwald of eorðan     in þa eastortid,
ealra þrymma þrym,     ðreata mæstne
to heofonum ahof,     ða he from helle astag.
Swa se eadga wer     in þa æþelan tid
on þone beorhtan dæg     blissum hremig,
milde ond gemetfæst,     mægen unsofte
elne geæfnde.     Aras ða eorla wynn,
heard hygesnottor,     swa he hraþost meahte,
meðe for ðam miclan bysgum.     Ongon þa his mod staþelian
leohte geleafan,     lac onsægde
deophycgende     dryhtne to willan
gæstgerynum     in godes temple,
ond his þegne ongon,     swa þam þeodne geras,
þurh gæstes giefe     godspel bodian,
secgan sigortacnum,     ond his sefan trymman
wundrum to wuldre     in þa wlitigan gesceaft
to eadwelan,     swa he ær ne sið
æfre to ealdre     oðre swylce
on þas lænan tid     lare gehyrde,
ne swa deoplice     dryhtnes geryne
þurh menniscne     muð areccan
on sidum sefan.     Him wæs soþra geþuht
þæt hit ufancundes     engles wære
of swegldreamum,     swiþor micle
mægenþegnes word,     þonne æniges monnes lar,
wera ofer eorðan.     Him þæt wundra mæst
gesewen þuhte,     þæt swylc snyttrucræft
ænges hæleða her     hreþer weardade,
dryhta bearna,     wæs þæs deoplic eall
word ond wisdom,     ond þæs weres stihtung,
mod ond mægencræft,     þe him meotud engla,
gæsta geocend     forgiefen hæfde.
Wæron feowere ða     forð gewitene
dagas on rime,     þæs se dryhtnes þegn
on elne bad,     adle gebysgad,
sarum geswenced.     Ne he sorge wæg
geocorne sefan     gæstgedales,
dreorigne hyge.     Deað nealæcte,
stop stalgongum,     strong ond hreðe
sohte sawelhus.     Com se seofeða dæg
ældum ondweard,     þæs þe him in gesonc,
hat, heortan neah,     hildescurum
flacor flanþracu,     feorhhord onleac,
searocægum gesoht.     Ongon ða snottor hæle,
ar, onbehtþegn,     æþeles neosan
to þam halgan hofe,     fond þa hlingendne
fusne on forðsiþ     frean unwenne,
gæsthaligne     in godes temple
soden sarwylmum.     Wæs þa sihste tid
on midne dæg,     wæs his mondryhtne
endedogor     ætryhte þa.
Nearwum genæged     nydcostingum,
awrecen wælpilum,     wlo ne meahte
oroð up geteon,     ellenspræce
hleoþor ahebban.     Ongon ða hygegeomor,
freorig ond ferðwerig,     fusne gretan,
meðne modglædne,     bæd hine þurh mihta scyppend,
gif he his wordcwida     wealdan meahte,
spræce ahebban,     þæt him on spellum gecyðde,
onwrige worda gongum,     hu he his wisna truwade,
drohtes on ðære dimman adle,     ærðon hine deað onsægde.
Him se eadga wer     ageaf ondsware,
leof mon leofum,     þeah he late meahte,
eorl ellenheard,     oreþe gebredan:
"Min þæt swæse bearn,     nis nu swiþe feor
þam ytemestan     endedogor
nydgedales,     þæt ðu þa nyhstan scealt
in woruldlife     worda minra,
næfre leana biloren,     lare gehyran,
noht longe ofer þis.     Læst ealle well
wære ond winescype,     word þa wit spræcon,
leofast manna."     "Næfre ic lufan sibbe,
þeoden, æt þearfe     þine forlæte
asanian!"     "Beo þu on sið gearu,
siþþan lic ond leomu     ond þes lifes gæst
asundrien     somwist hyra
þurh feorggedal.     Fys æfter þon
þæt þu gesecge     sweostor minre,
þære leofestan,     on longne weg
to þam fægran gefean     forðsið minne,
on ecne eard,     ond hyre eac gecyð
wordum minum,     þæt ic me warnade
hyre onsyne     ealle þrage
in woruldlife,     for ðy ic wilnode
þæt wit unc eft     in þam ecan gefean
on sweglwuldre     geseon mostun
fore onsyne     eces deman
leahtra lease.     þær sceal lufu uncer
wærfæst wunian,     þær wit wilna a
in ðære beorhtan byrig     brucan motun,
eades mid englum.     ðu hyre eac saga
þæt heo þis banfæt     beorge bifæste,
lame biluce,     lic orsawle
in þeostorcofan,     þær hit þrage sceal
in sondhofe     siþþan wunian."
ða wearð modgeþanc     miclum gebisgad,
þream forþrycced,     þurh þæs þeodnes word,
ombehtþegne,     þa he ædre oncneow
frean feorhgedal,     þæt hit feor ne wæs,
endedogor.     Ongon þa ofostlice
to his winedryhtne     wordum mæðlan:
"Ic þec halsige,     hæleþa leofost
gumena cynnes,     þurh gæsta weard,
þæt þu hygesorge     heortan minre
geeþe, eorla wyn.     Nis þe ende feor,
þæs þe ic on galdrum     ongieten hæbbe.
Oft mec geomor sefa     gehþa gemanode,
hat æt heortan,     hyge gnornende
nihtes nearwe,     ond ic næfre þe,
fæder, frofor min,     frignan dorste.
Symle ic gehyrde,     þonne heofones gim,
wyncondel wera,     west onhylde,
sweglbeorht sunne     setlgonges fus
on æfentid,     oþerne mid þec,
þegn æt geþeahte.     Ic þæs þeodnes word,
ares uncuþes     oft neosendes,
dægwoman bitweon     ond þære deorcan niht,
meþelcwide mæcges,     ond on morgne swa,
ongeat geomormod,     gæstes spræce,
gleawes in geardum.     Huru, ic giet ne wat,
ær þu me, frea min,     furþor cyðe
þurh cwide þinne,     hwonan his cyme sindon."
ða se eadga wer     ageaf ondsware
leofum æfter longre hwile,     swa he late meahte,
elnes oncyðig,     oreþe gewealdan:
"Hwæt, þu me, wine min,     wordum nægest,
fusne frignest,     þæs þe ic furþum ær
æfre on ealdre     ængum ne wolde
monna ofer moldan     melda weorðan,
þegne on þeode,     butan þe nu ða,
þy læs þæt wundredan     weras ond idesa,
ond on geað gutan,     gieddum mænden
bi me lifgendum.     Huru, ic nolde sylf
þurh gielpcwide     gæstes mines
frofre gelettan,     ne fæder mines
æfre geæfnan,     æbylg godes.
Symle me onsende     sigedryhten min,
folca feorhgiefa,     siþþan ic furþum ongon
on þone æfteran     anseld bugan
geargemearces,     gæst haligne,
engel ufancundne,     se mec efna gehwam,
meahtig meotudes þegn,     ond on morgne eft,
sigorfæst gesohte,     ond me sara gehwylc
gehælde hygesorge,     ond me in hreþre bileac
wuldres wilboda     wisdomes giefe
micle monigfealdran     þonne ænig mon wite
in life her,     þe me alyfed nis
to gecyþenne     cwicra ængum
on foldwege     fira cynnes,
þæt me ne meahte     monna ænig
bideaglian     hwæt he dearninga
on hyge hogde     heortan geþoncum,
siþþan he me fore eagum     onsyne wearð.
A ic on mode mað     monna gehwylcne
þeodnes þrymcyme     oð þisne dæg.
Leofast monna,     nu ic for lufan þinre,
ond geferscype     þæt wit fyrn mid unc
longe læstan,     nelle ic lætan þe
æfre unrotne     æfter ealdorlege
meðne modseocne     minre geweorðan,
soden sorgwælmum.     A ic sibbe wiþ þe
healdan wille.     Nu of hreþerlocan
to þam soþan gefean     sawel fundað.
Nis seo tid latu,     tydrað þis banfæt,
greothord gnornað,     gæst hine fyseð
on ecne geard,     utsiþes georn
on sellan gesetu.     Nu ic swiðe eom
weorce gewergad."     ða to þam wage gesag,
heafelan onhylde,     hyrde þa gena
ellen on innan.     Oroð stundum teah
mægne modig,     him of muðe cwom
swecca swetast.     Swylce on sumeres tid
stincað on stowum     staþelum fæste
wynnum æfter wongum     wyrta geblowene,
hunigflowende,     swa þæs halgan wæs
ondlongne dæg     oþ æfen forð
oroð up hlæden.     þa se æþela glæm
setlgong sohte,     swearc norðrodor
won under wolcnum,     woruld miste oferteah,
þystrum biþeahte,     þrong niht ofer tiht
londes frætwa.     ða cwom leohta mæst,
halig of heofonum     hædre scinan,
beorhte ofer burgsalu.     Bad se þe sceolde
eadig on elne     endedogor,
awrecen wælstrælum.     Wuldres scima,
æþele ymb æþelne,     ondlonge niht
scan scirwered.     Scadu sweþredon,
tolysed under lyfte.     Wæs se leohta glæm
ymb þæt halge hus,     heofonlic condel,
from æfenglome     oþþæt eastan cwom
ofer deop gelad     dægredwoma,
wedertacen wearm.     Aras se wuldormago,
eadig elnes gemyndig,     spræc to his onbehtþegne,
torht to his treowum gesiþe:     "Tid is þæt þu fere,
ond þa ærendu     eal biþence,
ofestum læde,     swa ic þe ær bibead,
lac to leofre.     Nu of lice is,
goddreama georn,     gæst swiðe fus."
Ahof þa his honda,     husle gereorded,
eaðmod þy æþelan gyfle,     swylce he his eagan ontynde,
halge heafdes gimmas,     biseah þa to heofona rice,
glædmod to geofona leanum,     ond þa his gæst onsende
weorcum wlitigne     in wuldres dream.
ða wæs Guðlaces     gæst gelæded
eadig on upweg.     Englas feredun
to þam longan gefean,     lic colode,
belifd under lyfte.     ða þær leoht ascan,
beama beorhtast.     Eal þæt beacen wæs
ymb þæt halge hus,     heofonlic leoma,
from foldan up     swylce fyren tor
ryht aræred     oð rodera hrof,
gesewen under swegle,     sunnan beorhtra,
æþeltungla wlite.     Engla þreatas
sigeleoð sungon,     sweg wæs on lyfte
gehyred under heofonum,     haligra dream.
Swa se burgstede wæs     blissum gefylled,
swetum stencum     ond sweglwundrum,
eadges yrfestol,     engla hleoðres,
eal innanweard.     þær wæs ænlicra
ond wynsumra     þonne hit in worulde mæge
stefn areccan,     hu se stenc ond se sweg,
heofonlic hleoþor     ond se halga song,
gehyred wæs,     heahþrym godes,
breahtem æfter breahtme.     Beofode þæt ealond,
foldwong onþrong.     ða afyrhted wearð
ar, elnes biloren,     gewat þa ofestlice
beorn unhyðig,     þæt he bat gestag,
wæghengest wræc,     wæterþisa for,
snel under sorgum.     Swegl hate scan,
blac ofer burgsalo.     Brimwudu scynde,
leoht, lade fus.     Lagumearg snyrede,
gehlæsted to hyðe,     þæt se hærnflota
æfter sundplegan     sondlond gespearn,
grond wið greote.     Gnornsorge wæg
hate æt heortan,     hyge geomurne,
meðne modsefan,     se þe his mondryhten,
life bilidenne,     last weardian
wiste, wine leofne.     Him þæs wopes hring
torne gemonade.     Teagor yðum weol,
hate hleordropan,     ond on hreþre wæg
micle modceare.     He þære mægeð sceolde
lace gelædan     laðspel to soð.
Cwom þa freorigferð     þær seo fæmne wæs,
wuldres wynmæg.     He þa wyrd ne mað,
fæges forðsið.     Fusleoð agol
wineþearfende,     ond þæt word acwæð:
"Ellen biþ selast     þam þe oftost sceal
dreogan dryhtenbealu,     deope behycgan
þroht þeodengedal,     þonne seo þrag cymeð,
wefen wyrdstafum.     þæt wat se þe sceal
aswæman sarigferð,     wat his sincgiefan
holdne biheledne.     He sceal hean þonan
geomor hweorfan.     þam bið gomenes wana
ðe þa earfeða     oftost dreogeð
on sargum sefan.     Huru, ic swiðe ne þearf
hinsiþ behlehhan.     Is hlaford min,
beorna bealdor,     ond broþor þin,
se selesta     bi sæm tweonum
þara þe we on Engle     æfre gefrunen
acennedne     þurh cildes had
gumena cynnes,     to godes dome,
werigra wraþu,     worulddreamum of,
winemæga wyn,     in wuldres þrym,
gewiten, winiga hleo,     wica neosan
eardes on upweg.     Nu se eorðan dæl,
banhus abrocen     burgum in innan
wunað wælræste,     ond se wuldres dæl
of licfæte     in leoht godes
sigorlean sohte,     ond þe secgan het
þæt git a mosten     in þam ecan gefean
mid þa sibgedryht     somudeard niman,
weorca wuldorlean,     willum neotan
blædes ond blissa.     Eac þe abeodan het
sigedryhten min,     þa he wæs siþes fus,
þæt þu his lichoman,     leofast mægða,
eorðan biðeahte.     Nu þu ædre const
siðfæt minne.     Ic sceal sarigferð,
heanmod hweorfan,     hyge drusendne."