Psalm 50

Verse Indeterminate Saxon

Dauid wæs haten     diormod hæleð,
Israela brega,     æðelæ and rice,
cyninga cynost,     Criste liofost.
Wæs he under hiofenum     hearpera mærost
ðara we an folcum     gefrigen hæbben.
Sangere he wæs soðfæstest,     swiðe geðancol
to ðingienne     þiodum sinum
wið þane mildostan     manna sceppend.
Wæs se dryhtnes ðiowa     Dauid æt wige
soð sigecempa,     searocyne man,
casere creaftig,     þonne cumbulgebrec
on gewinndagum     weorðan scoldan.
Hweðere him geiode,     swa ful oft gedeð
þætte godferhte     gylt gefræmmað
þurh lichaman     lene geðohtas.
Gelamp þæt him mon ansende     saula neriend,
witgan mid wordum,     weorada dominus,
and secgan het,     selfum gecyðan
ymb his womdeda     waldendes doom,
þæt se fruma wære     his feores sceldig,
for ðam þe he Uriam het     aldre beneman,
fromne ferdrinc     fere beserode,
and him Bezabe     brohte to wife
for gitsunga,     þe he godes eorre
þurh his selfes weorc     sona anfunde.
Him ða ðingode     þioda aldor,
Dauid georne,     and to dryhtne gebæd,
and his synna hord     selfa ontende,
gyltas georne     gode andhette,
weoruda dryhtne,     and ðus wordum spæc:
Miserere mei deus secundum magnam misericordiam tuam. "Miltsa ðu me, meahta walden,     nu ðu wast manna geðohtas,
help ðu, hælend min,     handgeweorces
þines anes,     ælmehtig god,
efter þinre ðære miclan     mildhiortnesse.
Et secundum multitudinem miserationem tuarum dele iniquitatem meam. Ond eac efter menio     miltsa ðinra,
dryhten weoruda,     adilga min unriht
to forgefenesse     gaste minum.
Amplius laua me ab iniustitia mea et a delicta mea munda mæ. Aðweah me of sennum,     saule fram wammum,
gasta sceppend,     geltas geclansa,
þa ðe ic on aldre     æfre gefremede
ðurh lichaman     leðre geðohtas.
Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego agnosco et delictum meum coram me est semper. Forðan ic unriht min     eal oncnawe,
and eac synna gehwær     selfum æt eagan,
firendeda geðrec     beforan standeð,
scelda scinað;     forgef me, sceppen min,
lifes liohtfruma,     ðinre lufan blisse.
Tibi soli peccaui et malum coram te feci ut iustificeris in sermonibus tuis et uincas dum iudicaris. Nu ic anum ðe     oft syngode,
and yfela feola     eac gefræmede,
gelta gramhegdig,     ic ðe, gasta breogo,
helende Crist,     helpe bidde,
ðæt me forgefene     gastes wunde
an forðgesceaft     feran mote,
þy ðine wordcwidas     weorðan gefelde,
ðæt ðu ne wilnast     weora æniges deað;
ac ðu synfulle     simle lærdes
ðæt hio cerrende     Criste herdon
and hiom lif mid ðe     langsum begeton,
swilce ðu æt dome,     dryhten, oferswiðdest
ealra synna cynn,     saula neriend.
Ecce enim iniquitatibus. Ic on unrihtum     eac ðan in synnum
geeacnod wæs.     ðu ðæt ana wast,
mæhtig dryhten,     hu me modor gebær
in scame and in sceldum;     forgef me, sceppend min,
ðæt ic fram ðæm synnum     selfa gecerre,
þa ðe mine ældran     ær geworhtan
and ic selfa eac     sioððan beeode.
Ecce enim ueritatem. Ac ðu, selua god,     soð an lufast;
þy ic ðe mid benum     biddan wille
lifes and lisse,     liohtes aldor,
forðan ðu me uncuðe     eac ðan derne
þinre snetera hord     selfa ontendes.
Asperies me ysopo et mundabor.
ðu me, meahtig god,     milde and bliðe
þurh ysopon     ealne ahluttra,
þonne ic geclænsod     Criste hero,
and eac ofer snawe     self scinende
þinre sibbe lufan     sona gemete.
Auditui meo dabis gaudium. Ontyn nu, elmehtig,     earna hleoðor,
þæt min gehernes     hehtful weorðe
on gefean bliðse     forðweard to ðe;
ðanne bioð on wenne,     waldend, simle
þa gebrocenan ban,     bilwit dominus,
ða þe on hænðum ær     hwile wæron.
Auerte faciem tuam a peccatis meis et omnes. Ahwerf nu fram synnum,     saula neriend,
and fram misdedum     minra gylta
þine ansione,     ælmeahtig god,
and ðurh miltsunga     meahta þinra
ðu unriht min     eall adilga.
Cor mundum crea in me deus et spiritum rectum. æc ðu, dryhten Crist,     clene hiortan
in me, mehtig god,     modswiðne geðanc
to ðolienne     ðinne willan
and to healdenne     halige domas,
and ðu rihtne gast,     rodera waldend,
in ferðe minum     feste geniowa.
Ne proicias me a facie tuae et spiritum sanctum tuum. Ne aweorp ðu me,     weoruda dryhten,
fram ansione     ealra þinra miltsa,
ne ðane godan fram me     gast haligne
aferre, domine,     frea ælmeahtig,
þinra arna me     eal ne bescerwe.
Redde mihi letitiam. Sæle nu bliðse me,     bilewit dominus,
þinre hælo heht,     helm alwihta,
and me, lifgende     liohtes hiorde,
gaste ðine,     god selfa, getreme,
ðæt ic aldorlice     a forð sioððan
to ðinum willan     weorðan mote.
Doceam iniquos uias tuas et impii ad te. Simle ic ðine weogas     wanhogan lærde,
ðæt hio arlease     eft gecerdan
to hiora selfra     saula hiorde,
god selfa, to ðe     gastes mundberd
ðurh sibbe lufan     seocan scoldan.
Libera me de sanguinibus.
Befreo me an ferðe,     fæder mancynnes,
fram blodgete     and bealaniðum,
god lifigende,     gylta geclansa,
helo and helpend,     hiofenrices weard;
ðanne tunge min     triowfest blissað
for ðines selfes     soðfestnesse.
Domine labia mea aperies et os meum adnuntiauit. Ontyn nu, waldend god,     weoloras mine;
swa min muð sioððan     mæhte ðine
and lof georne     liodum to bliðse,
soð sigedryhten,     secgende wæs.
Quoniam si uoluisses. Ic ðe onsegednesse     sona brohte,
weoruda dryhtne,     ðer ðu wolde swa,
ða ðu þæt ne lufedest,     lifes bretta,
ðæt ic ðe bernelac     brengan moste
deadra neata,     dryhtne to willan.
Sacrificium deo spiritus contribulatus. Ac ðe micle ma,     mehtig dryhten,
lifiende Crist,     liicwerðe bið
se gehnysta gast,     hiorte geclansod
and geeadmeded     ingeþancum;
ða ðu, ælmæhtig,     æfre ne æwest.
Benigne fact domine in bona uoluntate. Gedoo nu fræmsume     frofre ðine
to ðinum godan     gastes willan,
ðætte Sione dun     sigefest weorðe,
and weallas Sion     wynfeste getremed,
Hierusolime,     god lifiende.
Tunc acceptabis sacrificium.
Swa þu, frea meahtig,     anfehst siþðan
liofwende lac     lioda þinra,
hælend manna;     hio ðæt halige cealf
on wigbed þin     willum asettað,
liohtes aldor.     Forgef me, lifigende
meotod mancynnes,     mæhtig dominus,
ðæt ða sorhfullan     saule wunde,
þa ðe ic on ælde     uel on giogeðe
in flæschaman     gefremed hæbbe
leahtra hegeleasra,     mid lufan þinre
gastæ forgeofene     glidan mote."
Swæ þingode     þiode aldor,
Dauid to dryhtne,     deda gemyndig,
þæt hine mehtig god     mannum to frofre
ðæs cynedomes,     Crist neriende,
waldende god,     weorðne munde.
Forðon he gebette     balaniða hord
mid eaðmede     ingeþance,
ða ðe he on ferðe     gefremed hæfde,
gastes wunde.     Forgef us, god mæahtig,
þæt we synna hord     simle oferwinnan
and us geearnian     æce dreamas
an lifigendra     landes wenne.