The Kentish Hymn
Verse Indeterminate Saxon
Wuton wuldrian weorada dryhten
halgan hlioðorcwidum, hiofenrices weard,
lufian liofwendum, lifes agend,
and him simle sio sigefest wuldor
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uppe mid ænglum, and on eorðan sibb
gumena gehwilcum goodes willan.
We ðe heriað halgum stefnum
and þe blætsiað, bilewit feder,
and ðe þanciað, þioda walden,
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ðines weorðlican wuldordreames
and ðinra miclan mægena gerena,
ðe ðu, god dryhten, gastes mæhtum
hafest on gewealdum hiofen and eorðan,
an ece feder, ælmehtig god.
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ðu eart cyninga cyningc cwicera gehwilces,
ðu eart sigefest sunu and soð helend
ofer ealle gesceft angla and manna.
ðu, dryhten god, on dreamum wunast
on ðære upplican æðelan ceastre,
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frea folca gehwæs, swa ðu æt fruman wære
efeneadig bearn agenum fæder.
ðu eart heofenlic lioht and ðæt halige lamb,
ðe ðu manscilde middangeardes
for þinre arfestnesse ealle towurpe,
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fiond geflæmdest, follc generedes,
blode gebohtest bearn Israela,
ða ðu ahofe ðurh ðæt halige triow
ðinre ðrowunga ðriostre senna,
þæt ðu on hæahsetle heafena rices
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sitest sigehræmig on ða swiðran hand
ðinum godfæder, gasta gemyndig.
Mildsa nu, meahtig, manna cynne,
and of leahtrum ales ðine ða liofan gesceft,
and us hale gedo, heleða sceppend,
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niða nergend, for ðines naman are.
ðu eart soðlice simle halig,
and ðu eart ana æce dryhten,
and ðu ana bist eallra dema
cwucra ge deadra, Crist nergende,
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forðan ðu on ðrymme ricsast and on ðrinesse
and on annesse, ealles waldend,
hiofena heahcyninc, haliges gastes
fegere gefelled in fæder wuldre.