The Lord's Prayer III

Verse Indeterminate Saxon

Pater noster qui es in celis. Fæder manncynnes,     frofres ic þe bidde,
halig drihten,     þu ðe on heofonum eart.
Sanctificetur nomen tuum.
þæt sy gehalgod,     hygecræftum fæst,
þin nama nu ða,     neriende Crist,
in urum ferhðlocan     fæste gestaðelod.
Adueniat regnum tuum. Cume nu to mannum,     mihta wealdend,
þin rice to us,     rihtwis dema,
and ðin geleafa     in lifdæge
Fiat uolontas tua sicut in celo et in terra. on urum mode     mære þurhwunige.
And þin willa mid us     weorðe gelæsted
on eardunge     eorðan rices,
swa hluttor is     in heofonwuldre,
wynnum gewlitegod     a to worulde forð.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie. Syle us nu to dæge,     drihten gumena,
heofena heahcyning,     hlaf urne,
þone ðu onsendest     sawlum to hæle
on middaneard     manna cynnes;
þæt is se clæna     Crist, drihten god.
Et dimitte nobis debita nostra.
Forgyf us, gumena weard,     gyltas and synna,
and ure leahtras alet,     lices wunda
and mandæda,     swa we mildum wið ðe,
ælmihtigum gode,     oft abylgeað,
Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
swa swa we forlætað     leahtras on eorþan
þam þe wið us     oft agyltað,
and him womdæde     witan ne þencað
for earnunge     ecan lifes.
Et no nos inducas in temptationem.
Ne læd þu us to wite     in wean sorge
ne in costunge,     Crist nerigende,
þy læs we arlease     ealra þinra mildsa
þurh feondscipe     fremde weorðan.
Sed libera nos a malo.
And wið yfele gefreo     us eac nu ða
feonda gehwylces;     we in ferhðlocan,
þeoden engla,     ðanc and wuldor,
soð sigedrihten,     secgað georne,
þæs ðe þu us milde     mihtum alysdest
fram hæftnyde     hellewites.
Amen. Weorðe þæt.