Soul and Body I
Verse Indeterminate Saxon
Huru, ðæs behofað hæleða æghwylc
þæt he his sawle sið sylfa geþence,
hu þæt bið deoplic þonne se deað cymeð,
asyndreð þa sybbe þe ær samod wæron,
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lic ond sawle! Lang bið syððan
þæt se gast nimeð æt gode sylfum
swa wite swa wuldor, swa him on worulde ær
efne þæt eorðfæt ær geworhte.
Sceal se gast cuman geohðum hremig,
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symble ymbe seofon niht sawle findan
þone lichoman þe hie ær lange wæg,
þreo hund wintra, butan ær þeodcyning,
ælmihtig god, ende worulde
wyrcan wille, weoruda dryhten.
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Cleopað þonne swa cearful cealdan reorde,
spreceð grimlice se gast to þam duste:
"Hwæt, druh ðu dreorega, to hwan drehtest ðu me,
eorðan fulnes eal forwisnad,
lames gelicnes! Lyt ðu gemundest
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to hwan þinre sawle þing siðþan wurde,
syððan of lichoman læded wære!
Hwæt, wite ðu me, weriga! Hwæt, ðu huru wyrma gyfl
lyt geþohtest, þa ðu lustgryrum eallum
ful geeodest, hu ðu on eorðan scealt
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wyrmum to wiste! Hwæt, ðu on worulde ær
lyt geþohtest hu þis is þus lang hider!
Hwæt, þe la engel ufan of roderum
sawle onsende þurh his sylfes hand,
meotod ælmihtig, of his mægenþrymme,
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ond þe gebohte blode þy halgan,
ond þu me mid þy heardan hungre gebunde
ond gehæftnedest helle witum!
Eardode ic þe on innan. Ne meahte ic ðe of cuman,
flæsce befangen, ond me fyrenlustas
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þine geþrungon. þæt me þuhte ful oft
þæt hit wære XXX þusend wintra
to þinum deaðdæge. A ic uncres gedales onbad
earfoðlice. Nis nu huru se ende to god!
Wære þu þe wiste wlanc ond wines sæd,
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þrymful þunedest, ond ic ofþyrsted wæs
godes lichoman, gastes drynces.
Forðan þu ne hogodest her on life,
syððan ic ðe on worulde wunian sceolde,
þæt ðu wære þurh flæsc ond þurh fyrenlustas
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strange gestryned ond gestaðolod þurh me,
ond ic wæs gast on ðe fram gode sended.
Næfre ðu me wið swa heardum helle witum
ne generedest þurh þinra nieda lust.
Scealt ðu minra gesynta sceame þrowian
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on ðam myclan dæge þonne eall manna cynn
se ancenneda ealle gesamnað.
Ne eart ðu þon leofra nænigum lifigendra
men to gemæccan, ne meder ne fæder
ne nænigum gesybban, þonne se swearta hrefen,
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syððan ic ana of ðe ut siðode
þurh þæs sylfes hand þe ic ær onsended wæs.
Ne magon þe nu heonon adon hyrsta þa readan
ne gold ne seolfor ne þinra goda nan,
ne þinre bryde beag ne þin boldwela,
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ne nan þara goda þe ðu iu ahtest,
ac her sceolon onbidan ban bereafod,
besliten synum, ond þe þin sawl sceal
minum unwillum oft gesecan,
wemman þe mid wordum, swa ðu worhtest to me.
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Eart ðu nu dumb ond deaf, ne synt þine dreamas awiht.
Sceal ic ðe nihtes swa þeah nede gesecan,
synnum gesargod, ond eft sona fram þe
hweorfan on hancred, þonne halige men
lifiendum gode lofsang doð,
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secan þa hamas þe ðu me her scrife,
ond þa arleasan eardungstowe,
ond þe sculon her moldwyrmas manige ceowan,
slitan sarlice swearte wihta,
gifre ond grædige. Ne synt þine æhta awihte
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þe ðu her on moldan mannum eowdest.
Forðan þe wære selre swiðe mycle
þonne þe wæron ealle eorðan speda,
(butan þu hie gedælde dryhtne sylfum),
þær ðu wurde æt frymðe fugel oððe fisc on sæ,
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oððe on eorðan neat ætes tilode,
feldgangende feoh butan snyttro,
oððe on westenne wildra deora
þæt wyrreste, þær swa god wolde,
ge þeah ðu wære wyrma cynna
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þæt grimmeste, þær swa god wolde,
þonne ðu æfre on moldan man gewurde
oððe æfre fulwihte onfon sceolde.
þonne ðu for unc bæm andwyrdan scealt
on ðam miclan dæge, þonne mannum beoð
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wunda onwrigene, þa ðe on worulde ær
fyrenfulle men fyrn geworhton,
ðonne wyle dryhten sylf dæda gehyran
hæleða gehwylces, heofena scippend,
æt ealra manna gehwæs muðes reorde
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wunde wiðerlean. Ac hwæt wylt ðu þær
on þam domdæge dryhtne secgan?
þonne ne bið nan na to þæs lytel lið on lime aweaxen,
þæt ðu ne scyle for anra gehwylcum onsundrum
riht agildan, þonne reðe bið
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dryhten æt þam dome. Ac hwæt do wyt unc?
Sculon wit þonne eft ætsomne siððan brucan
swylcra yrmða, swa ðu unc her ær scrife!"
Fyrnað þus þæt flæschord, sceall þonne feran onweg,
secan hellegrund, nallæs heofondreamas,
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dædum gedrefed. Ligeð dust þær hit wæs,
ne mæg him ondsware ænige gehatan,
geomrum gaste, geoce oððe frofre.
Bið þæt heafod tohliden, handa toliðode,
geaglas toginene, goman toslitene,
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sina beoð asocene, swyra becowen,
fingras tohrorene.
Rib reafiað reðe wyrmas,
beoð hira tungan totogenne on tyn healfa
hungregum to frofre; forþan hie ne magon huxlicum
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wordum wrixlian wið þone werian gast.
Gifer hatte se wyrm, þe þa eaglas beoð
nædle scearpran. Se genydde to
ærest eallra on þam eorðscræfe,
þæt he þa tungan totyhð ond þa teð þurhsmyhð
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ond þa eagan þurheteð ufan on þæt heafod
ond to ætwelan oðrum gerymeð,
wyrmum to wiste, þonne þæt werie
lic acolod bið þæt he lange ær
werede mid wædum. Bið þonne wyrma gifel,
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æt on eorþan. þæt mæg æghwylcum
men to gemynde, modsnotra gehwam!
ðonne bið hyhtlicre þæt sio halige sawl
færeð to ðam flæsce, frofre bewunden.
Bið þæt ærende eadiglicre
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funden on ferhðe. Mid gefean seceð
lustum þæt lamfæt þæt hie ær lange wæg.
þonne þa gastas gode word sprecað,
snottre, sigefæste, ond þus soðlice
þone lichoman lustum gretaþ:
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"Wine leofesta, þeah ðe wyrmas gyt
gifre gretaþ, nu is þin gast cumen,
fægere gefrætewod, of mines fæder rice,
arum bewunden. Eala, min dryhten,
þær ic þe moste mid me lædan,
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þæt wyt englas ealle gesawon,
heofona wuldor, swylc swa ðu me ær her scrife!
Fæstest ðu on foldan ond gefyldest me
godes lichoman, gastes drynces.
Wære ðu on wædle, sealdest me wilna geniht.
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Forðan ðu ne þearft sceamian, þonne sceadene beoþ
þa synfullan ond þa soðfæstan
on þam mæran dæge, þæs ðu me geafe,
ne ðe hreowan þearf her on life
ealles swa mycles swa ðu me sealdest
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on gemotstede manna ond engla.
Bygdest ðu þe for hæleðum ond ahofe me on ecne dream.
Forþan me a langaþ, leofost manna,
on minum hige hearde, þæs þe ic þe on þyssum hynðum wat
wyrmum to wiste, ac þæt wolde god,
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þæt þu æfre þus laðlic legerbed cure.
Wolde ic þe ðonne secgan þæt ðu ne sorgode,
forðan wyt bioð gegæderode æt godes dome.
Moton wyt þonne ætsomne syþan brucan
ond unc on heofonum heahþungene beon.
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Ne þurfon wyt beon cearie æt cyme dryhtnes,
ne þære andsware yfele habban
sorge in hreðre, ac wyt sylfe magon
æt ðam dome þær dædum agilpan,
hwylce earnunga uncre wæron.
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Wat ic þæt þu wære on woruldrice
geþungen þrymlice þysses"