The Fates of the Apostles

Verse Indeterminate Saxon

Hwæt! Ic þysne sang     siðgeomor fand
on seocum sefan,     samnode wide
hu þa æðelingas     ellen cyðdon,
torhte ond tireadige.     Twelfe wæron,
dædum domfæste,     dryhtne gecorene,
leofe on life.     Lof wide sprang,
miht ond mærðo,     ofer middangeard,
þeodnes þegna,     þrym unlytel.
Halgan heape     hlyt wisode
þær hie dryhtnes æ     deman sceoldon,
reccan fore rincum.     Sume on Romebyrig,
frame, fyrdhwate,     feorh ofgefon
þurg Nerones     nearwe searwe,
Petrus ond Paulus.     Is se apostolhad
wide geweorðod     ofer werþeoda!
Swylce Andreas     in Achagia
for Egias     aldre geneðde.
Ne þreodode he fore þrymme     ðeodcyninges,
æniges on eorðan,     ac him ece geceas
langsumre lif,     leoht unhwilen,
syþþan hildeheard,     heriges byrhtme,
æfter guðplegan     gealgan þehte.
Hwæt, we eac gehyrdon     be Iohanne
æglæawe menn     æðelo reccan!
Se manna wæs,     mine gefrege,
þurh cneorisse     Criste leofast
on weres hade,     syððan wuldres cyning,
engla ordfruma,     eorðan sohte
þurh fæmnan hrif,     fæder manncynnes.
He in Effessia     ealle þrage
leode lærde,     þanon lifes weg
siðe gesohte,     swegle dreamas,
beorhtne boldwelan.     Næs his broðor læt,
siðes sæne,     ac ðurh sweordes bite
mid Iudeum     Iacob sceolde
fore Herode     ealdre gedælan,
feorh wið flæsce.     Philipus wæs
mid Asseum,     þanon ece lif
þurh rode cwealm     ricene gesohte,
syððan on galgan     in Gearapolim
ahangen wæs     hildecorðre.
Huru, wide wearð     wurd undyrne
þæt to Indeum     aldre gelædde
beaducræftig beorn,     Bartholameus!
þone heht Astrias     in Albano,
hæðen ond hygeblind,     heafde beneotan,
forþan he ða hæðengild     hyran ne wolde,
wig weorðian.     Him wæs wuldres dream,
lifwela leofra     þonne þas leasan godu.
Swylce Thomas eac     þriste geneðde
on Indea     oðre dælas,
þær manegum wearð     mod onlihted,
hige onhyrded,     þurh his halig word.
Syððan collenferð     cyninges broðor
awehte for weorodum,     wundorcræfte,
þurh dryhtnes miht,     þæt he of deaðe aras,
geong ond guðhwæt,     ond him wæs Gad nama,
ond ða þæm folce     feorg gesealde,
sin æt sæcce.     Sweordræs fornam
þurh hæðene hand,     þær se halga gecrang,
wund for weorudum,     þonon wuldres leoht
sawle gesohte     sigores to leane.
Hwæt, we þæt gehyrdon     þurg halige bec,
þæt mid Sigelwarum     soð yppe wearð,
dryhtlic dom godes!     Dæges or onwoc,
leohtes geleafan,     land wæs gefælsod
þurh Matheus     mære lare.
þone het Irtacus     ðurh yrne hyge,
wælreow cyning,     wæpnum aswebban.
Hyrde we þæt Iacob     in Ierusalem
fore sacerdum     swilt þrowode.
ðurg stenges sweng     stiðmod gecrang,
eadig for æfestum.     Hafað nu ece lif
mid wuldorcining,     wiges to leane.
Næron ða twegen     tohtan sæne,
lindgelaces,     land Persea
sohton siðfrome,     Simon ond Thaddeus,
beornas beadorofe!     Him wearð bam samod
an endedæg.     æðele sceoldon
ðurh wæpenhete     weorc þrowigan,
sigelean secan,     ond þone soðan gefean,
dream æfter deaðe,     þa gedæled wearð
lif wið lice,     ond þas lænan gestreon,
idle æhtwelan,     ealle forhogodan.
ðus ða æðelingas     ende gesealdon,
XII tilmodige.     Tir unbræcne
wegan on gewitte     wuldres þegnas.
Nu ic þonne bidde     beorn se ðe lufige
þysses giddes begang     þæt he geomrum me
þone halgan heap     helpe bidde,
friðes ond fultomes.     Hu, ic freonda beþearf
liðra on lade,     þonne ic sceal langne ham,
eardwic uncuð,     ana gesecan,
lætan me on laste     lic, eorðan dæl,
wælreaf wunigean     weormum to hroðre.
Her mæg findan     foreþances gleaw,
se ðe hine lysteð     leoðgiddunga,
hwa þas fitte fegde.     %%F%% þær on ende standeþ,
eorlas þæs on eorðan brucaþ.     Ne moton hie awa ætsomne,
woruldwunigende;     %%W%% sceal gedreosan,
%%U%% on eðle,     æfter tohreosan
læne lices frætewa,     efne swa %%L%% toglideð.
þonne %%C%% ond %%Y%%     cræftes neosað
nihtes nearowe,     on him %%N%% ligeð,
cyninges þeodom.     Nu ðu cunnon miht
hwa on þam wordum wæs     werum oncyðig.
Sie þæs gemyndig,     mann se ðe lufige
þisses galdres begang,     þæt he geoce me
ond frofre fricle.     Ic sceall feor heonan,
an elles forð,     eardes neosan,
sið asettan,     nat ic sylfa hwær,
of þisse worulde.     Wic sindon uncuð,
eard ond eðel,     swa bið ælcum menn
nemþe he godcundes     gastes bruce.
Ah utu we þe geornor     to gode cleopigan,
sendan usse bene     on þa beorhtan gesceaft,
þæt we þæs botles     brucan motan,
hames in hehðo,     þær is hihta mæst,
þær cyning engla     clænum gildeð
lean unhwilen.     Nu a his lof standeð,
mycel ond mære,     ond his miht seomaþ,
ece ond edgiong,     ofer ealle gesceaft.