Verse Indeterminate Unknown
Hwæt! We feor and neah gefrigen habað
ofer middangeard Moyses domas,
wræclico wordriht, wera cneorissum,--
in uprodor eadigra gehwam
- 5
æfter bealusiðe bote lifes,
lifigendra gehwam langsumne ræd,--
hæleðum secgan. Gehyre se ðe wille!
þone on westenne weroda drihten,
soðfæst cyning, mid his sylfes miht
- 10
gewyrðode, and him wundra fela,
ece alwalda, in æht forgeaf.
He wæs leof gode, leoda aldor,
horsc and hreðergleaw, herges wisa,
freom folctoga. Faraones cyn,
- 15
godes andsacan, gyrdwite band,
þær him gesealde sigora waldend,
modgum magoræswan, his maga feorh,
onwist eðles, Abrahames sunum.
Heah wæs þæt handlean and him hold frea,
- 20
gesealde wæpna geweald wið wraðra gryre,
ofercom mid þy campe cneomaga fela,
feonda folcriht. ða wæs forma sið
þæt hine weroda god wordum nægde,
þær he him gesægde soðwundra fela,
- 25
hu þas woruld worhte witig drihten,
eorðan ymbhwyrft and uprodor,
gesette sigerice, and his sylfes naman,
ðone yldo bearn ær ne cuðon,
frod fædera cyn, þeah hie fela wiston.
- 30
Hæfde he þa geswiðed soðum cræftum
and gewurðodne werodes aldor,
Faraones feond, on forðwegas.
þa wæs ingere ealdum witum
deaðe gedrenced drihtfolca mæst;
- 35
hordwearda hryre heaf wæs geniwad,
swæfon seledreamas, since berofene.
Hæfde mansceaðan æt middere niht
frecne gefylled, frumbearna fela,
abrocene burhweardas. Bana wide scrað,
- 40
lað leodhata, land drysmyde
deadra hræwum, dugoð forð gewat,
wop wæs wide, worulddreama lyt.
Wæron hleahtorsmiðum handa belocene,
alyfed laðsið leode gretan;
- 45
folc ferende, feond wæs bereafod,
hergas on helle. Heofung þider becom,
druron deofolgyld. Dæg wæs mære
ofer middangeard þa seo mengeo for.
Swa þæs fæsten dreah fela missera,
- 50
ealdwerige, Egypta folc,
þæs þe hie wideferð wyrnan þohton
Moyses magum, gif hie metod lete,
on langne lust leofes siðes.
Fyrd wæs gefysed, from se ðe lædde,
- 55
modig magoræswa, mægburh heora.
Oferfor he mid þy folce fæstena worn,
land and leodweard laðra manna,
enge anpaðas, uncuð gelad,
oðþæt hie on Guðmyrce gearwe bæron,
- 60
(wæron land heora lyfthelme beþeaht),
mearchofu morheald. Moyses ofer þa,
fela meoringa, fyrde gelædde.
Heht þa ymb twa niht tirfæste hæleð,
siððan hie feondum oðfaren hæfdon,
- 65
ymbwicigean werodes bearhtme
mid ælfere æthanes byrig,
mægnes mæste mearclandum on.
Nearwe genyddon on norðwegas,
wiston him be suðan Sigelwara land,
- 70
forbærned burhhleoðu, brune leode,
hatum heofoncolum. þær halig god
wið færbryne folc gescylde,
bælce oferbrædde byrnendne heofon,
halgan nette hatwendne lyft.
- 75
Hæfde wederwolcen widum fæðmum
eorðan and uprodor efne gedæled,
lædde leodwerod, ligfyr adranc,
hate heofontorht. Hæleð wafedon,
drihta gedrymost. Dægsceades hleo
- 80
wand ofer wolcnum; hæfde witig god
sunnan siðfæt segle ofertolden,
swa þa mæstrapas men ne cuðon,
ne ða seglrode geseon meahton,
eorðbuende ealle cræfte,
- 85
hu afæstnod wæs feldhusa mæst,
siððan he mid wuldre geweorðode
þeodenholde. þa wæs þridda wic
folce to frofre. Fyrd eall geseah
hu þær hlifedon halige seglas,
- 90
lyftwundor leoht; leode ongeton,
dugoð Israhela, þæt þær drihten cwom
weroda drihten, wicsteal metan.
Him beforan foran fyr and wolcen
in beorhtrodor, beamas twegen,
- 95
þara æghwæðer efngedælde
heahþegnunga haliges gastes,
deormodra sið dagum and nihtum.
þa ic on morgen gefrægn modes rofan
hebban herebyman hludan stefnum,
- 100
wuldres woman. Werod eall aras,
modigra mægen, swa him Moyses bebead,
mære magoræswa, metodes folce,
fus fyrdgetrum. Forð gesawon
lifes latþeow lifweg metan;
- 105
swegl siðe weold, sæmen æfter
foron flodwege. Folc wæs on salum,
hlud herges cyrm. Heofonbeacen astah
æfena gehwam, oðer wundor,
syllic æfter sunnan setlrade beheold,
- 110
ofer leodwerum lige scinan,
byrnende beam. Blace stodon
ofer sceotendum scire leoman;
scinon scyldhreoðan, sceado swiðredon,
neowle nihtscuwan neah ne mihton
- 115
heolstor ahydan; heofoncandel barn.
Niwe nihtweard nyde sceolde
wician ofer weredum, þy læs him westengryre,
har hæðbroga, holmegum wederum
on ferclamme ferhð getwæfde.
- 120
Hæfde foregenga fyrene loccas,
blace beamas; bellegsan hweop
in þam hereþreate, hatan lige,
þæt he on westenne werod forbærnde,
nymðe hie modhwate Moyses hyrde.
- 125
Scean scir werod, scyldas lixton,
gesawon randwigan rihte stræte,
segn ofer sweoton, oðþæt sæfæsten
landes æt ende leodmægne forstod,
fus on forðweg. Fyrdwic aras;
- 130
wyrpton hie werige, wiste genægdon
modige meteþegnas, hyra mægen beton.
Bræddon æfter beorgum, siððan byme sang,
flotan feldhusum. þa wæs feorðe wic,
randwigena ræst, be þan readan sæ.
- 135
ðær on fyrd hyra færspell becwom,
oht inlende. Egsan stodan,
wælgryre weroda; wræcmon gebad
laðne lastweard, se ðe him lange ær
eðelleasum onnied gescraf,
- 140
wean witum fæst. Wære ne gymdon,
ðeah þe se yldra cyning ær ge...
þa wearð yrfeweard ingefolca,
manna æfter maðmum, þæt he swa miceles geðah.
Ealles þæs forgeton siððan grame wurdon
- 145
Egypta cyn ymbe antwig;
ða heo his mægwinum morðor fremedon,
wroht berenedon, wære fræton.
Wæron heaðowylmas heortan getenge,
mihtmod wera; manum treowum
- 150
woldon hie þæt feorhlean facne gyldan,
þætte hie þæt dægweorc dreore gebohte,
Moyses leode, þær him mihtig god
on ðam spildsiðe spede forgefe.
þa him eorla mod ortrywe wearð
- 155
siððan hie gesawon of suðwegum
fyrd Faraonis forð ongangan,
oferholt wegan, eored lixan,
(garas trymedon, guð hwearfode,
blicon bordhreoðan, byman sungon),
- 160
þufas þunian, þeod mearc tredan,
on hwæl
Hreopon herefugolas, hilde grædige,
deawigfeðere ofer drihtneum,
wonn wælceasega. Wulfas sungon
- 165
atol æfenleoð ætes on wenan,
carleasan deor, cwyldrof beodan
on laðra last leodmægnes fyl.
Hreopon mearcweardas middum nihtum,
fleah fæge gast, folc wæs gehæged.
- 170
Hwilum of þam werode wlance þegnas
mæton milpaðas meara bogum.
Him þær segncyning wið þone segn foran,
manna þengel, mearcþreate rad;
guðweard gumena grimhelm gespeon,
- 175
cyning cinberge, (cumbol lixton),
wiges on wenum, wælhlencan sceoc,
het his hereciste healdan georne
fæst fyrdgetrum. Freond onsegon
laðum eagan landmanna cyme.
- 180
Ymb hine wægon wigend unforhte,
hare heorowulfas hilde gretton,
þurstige þræcwiges, þeodenholde.
Hæfde him alesen leoda dugeðe
tireadigra twa þusendo,
- 185
þæt wæron cyningas and cneowmagas,
on þæt eade riht, æðelum deore.
Forðon anra gehwilc ut alædde
wæpnedcynnes, wigan æghwilcne
þara þe he on ðam fyrste findan mihte.
- 190
Wæron ingemen ealle ætgædere,
cyningas on corðre. Cuð oft gebad
horn on heape to hwæs hægstealdmen,
guðþreat gumena, gearwe bæron.
Swa þær eorp werod, ecan læddon,
- 195
lað æfter laðum, leodmægnes worn,
þusendmælum; þider wæron fuse.
Hæfdon hie gemynted to þam mægenheapum
to þam ærdæge Israhela cynn
billum abreotan on hyra broðorgyld.
- 200
Forþon wæs in wicum wop up ahafen,
atol æfenleoð, egesan stodon,
weredon wælnet, þa se woma cwom.
Flugon frecne spel, feond wæs anmod,
werud wæs wigblac, oðþæt wlance forsceaf
- 205
mihtig engel, se ða menigeo beheold,
þæt þær gelaðe mid him leng ne mihton
geseon tosomne; sið wæs gedæled.
Hæfde nydfara nihtlangne fyrst,
þeah ðe him on healfa gehwam hettend seomedon,
- 210
mægen oððe merestream; nahton maran hwyrft.
Wæron orwenan eðelrihtes,
sæton æfter beorgum in blacum reafum,
wean on wenum; wæccende bad
eall seo sibgedriht somod ætgædere
- 215
maran mægenes, oð Moyses bebead
eorlas on uhttid ærnum bemum
folc somnigean, frecan arisan,
habban heora hlencan, hycgan on ellen,
beran beorht searo, beacnum cigean
- 220
sweot sande near. Snelle gemundon
weardas wigleoð, werod wæs gefysed,
brudon ofer burgum, (byman gehyrdon),
flotan feldhusum, fyrd wæs on ofste.
Siððan hie getealdon wið þam teonhete
- 225
on þam forðherge feðan twelfe
moderofra; mægen wæs onhrered.
Wæs on anra gehwam æðelan cynnes
alesen under lindum leoda duguðe
on folcgetæl fiftig cista;
- 230
hæfde cista gehwilc cuðes werodes
garberendra, guðfremmendra,
X hund geteled, tireadigra.
þæt wæs wiglic werod; wace ne gretton
in þæt rincgetæl ræswan herges,
- 235
þa þe for geoguðe gyt ne mihton
under bordhreoðan breostnet wera
wið flane feond folmum werigean,
ne him bealubenne gebiden hæfdon
ofer linde lærig, licwunde swor,
- 240
gylpplegan gares. Gamele ne moston,
hare heaðorincas, hilde onþeon,
gif him modheapum mægen swiðrade,
ac hie be wæstmum on wig curon,
hu in leodscipe læstan wolde
- 245
mod mid aran, eac þan mægnes cræft,
garbeames feng.
þa wæs handrofra here ætgædere,
fus forðwegas. Fana up gerad,
beama beorhtost; bidon ealle þa gen
- 250
hwonne siðboda sæstreamum neah
leoht ofer lindum lyftedoras bræc.
Ahleop þa for hæleðum hildecalla,
bald beohata, bord up ahof,
heht þa folctogan fyrde gestillan,
- 255
þenden modiges meðel monige gehyrdon.
Wolde reordigean rices hyrde
ofer hereciste halgan stefne,
werodes wisa wurðmyndum spræc:
"Ne beoð ge þy forhtran, þeah þe Faraon brohte
- 260
sweordwigendra side hergas,
eorla unrim! Him eallum wile
mihtig drihten þurh mine hand
to dæge þissum dædlean gyfan,
þæt hie lifigende leng ne moton
- 265
ægnian mid yrmðum Israhela cyn.
Ne willað eow andrædan deade feðan,
fæge ferhðlocan, fyrst is æt ende
lænes lifes. Eow is lar godes
abroden of breostum. Ic on beteran ræd,
- 270
þæt ge gewurðien wuldres aldor,
and eow liffrean lissa bidde,
sigora gesynto, þær ge siðien.
þis is se ecea Abrahames god,
frumsceafta frea, se ðas fyrd wereð,
- 275
modig and mægenrof, mid þære miclan hand."
Hof ða for hergum hlude stefne
lifigendra leod, þa he to leodum spræc:
"Hwæt, ge nu eagum to on lociað,
folca leofost, færwundra sum,
- 280
hu ic sylfa sloh and þeos swiðre hand
grene tacne garsecges deop.
Yð up færeð, ofstum wyrceð
wæter wealfæsten. Wegas syndon dryge,
haswe herestræta, holm gerymed,
- 285
ealde staðolas, þa ic ær ne gefrægn
ofer middangeard men geferan,
fage feldas, þa forð heonon
in ece tid yðe þeahton,
sælde sægrundas. Suðwind fornam
- 290
bæðweges blæst, brim is areafod,
sand sæcir spaw. Ic wat soð gere
þæt eow mihtig god miltse gecyðde,
eorlas ærglade. Ofest is selost
þæt ge of feonda fæðme weorðen,
- 295
nu se agend up arærde
reade streamas in randgebeorh.
Syndon þa foreweallas fægre gestepte,
wrætlicu wægfaru, oð wolcna hrof."
æfter þam wordum werod eall aras,
- 300
modigra mægen. Mere stille bad.
Hofon herecyste hwite linde,
segnas on sande. Sæweall astah,
uplang gestod wið Israhelum
andægne fyrst. Wæs seo eorla gedriht
- 305
anes modes,
fæstum fæðmum freoðowære heold.
Nalles hige gehyrdon haliges lare,
siððan leofes leoþ læste near
sweg swiðrode and sances bland.
- 310
þa þæt feorðe cyn fyrmest eode,
wod on wægstream, wigan on heape,
ofer grenne grund, Iudisc feða
on orette on uncuð gelad
for his mægwinum. Swa him mihtig god
- 315
þæs dægweorces deop lean forgeald,
siððan him gesælde sigorworca hreð,
þæt he ealdordom agan sceolde
ofer cynericu, cneowmaga blæd.
Hæfdon him to segne, þa hie on sund stigon,
- 320
ofer bordhreoðan beacen aræred
in þam garheape, gyldenne leon,
drihtfolca mæst, deora cenost.
Be þam herewisan hynðo ne woldon
be him lifigendum lange þolian,
- 325
þonne hie to guðe garwudu rærdon
ðeoda ænigre. þracu wæs on ore,
heard handplega, hægsteald modige
wæpna wælslihtes, wigend unforhte,
bilswaðu blodige, beadumægnes ræs,
- 330
grimhelma gegrind, þær Iudas for.
æfter þære fyrde flota modgade,
Rubenes sunu. Randas bæron
sæwicingas ofer sealtne mersc,
manna menio; micel angetrum
- 335
eode unforht. He his ealdordom
synnum aswefede, þæt he siðor for
on leofes last. Him on leodsceare
frumbearnes riht freobroðor oðþah,
ead and æðelo; he wæs gearu swa þeah.
- 340
þær forð æfter him folca þryðum
sunu Simeones sweotum comon;
þridde þeodmægen (þufas wundon
ofer garfare) guðcyste onþrang
deawig sceaftum. Dægwoma becwom
- 345
ofer garsecge, godes beacna sum,
morgen mæretorht; mægen forð gewat.
þa þær folcmægen for æfter oðrum,
isernhergum. An wisode
mægenþrymmum mæst, þy he mære wearð,
- 350
on forðwegas folc æfter wolcnum,
cynn æfter cynne. Cuðe æghwilc
mægburga riht, swa him Moises bead,
eorla æðelo. Him wæs an fæder,
leof leodfruma, landriht geþah,
- 355
frod on ferhðe, freomagum leof.
Cende cneowsibbe cenra manna
heahfædera sum, halige þeode,
Israela cyn, onriht godes,
swa þæt orþancum ealde reccað
- 360
þa þe mægburge mæst gefrunon,
frumcyn feora, fæderæðelo gehwæs.
Niwe flodas Noe oferlað,
þrymfæst þeoden, mid his þrim sunum,
þone deopestan drencefloda
- 365
þara ðe gewurde on woruldrice.
Hæfde him on hreðre halige treowa;
forþon he gelædde ofer lagustreamas
maðmhorda mæst, mine gefræge.
On feorhgebeorh foldan hæfde
- 370
eallum eorðcynne ece lafe,
frumcneow gehwæs, fæder and moder
tuddorteondra, geteled rime
mismicelra þonne men cunnon,
snottor sæleoda. Eac þon sæda gehwilc
- 375
on bearm scipes beornas feredon,
þara þe under heofonum hæleð bryttigað.
Swa þæt wise men wordum secgað
þæt from Noe nigoða wære
fæder Abrahames on folctale.
- 380
þæt is se Abraham se him engla god
naman niwan asceop; eac þon neah and feor
halige heapas in gehyld bebead,
werþeoda geweald; he on wræce lifde.
Siððan he gelædde leofost feora
- 385
haliges hæsum; heahlond stigon
sibgemagas, on Seone beorh.
Wære hie þær fundon, wuldor gesawon,
halige heahtreowe, swa hæleð gefrunon.
þær eft se snottra sunu Dauides,
- 390
wuldorfæst cyning, witgan larum
getimbrede tempel gode,
alh haligne, eorðcyninga
se wisesta on woruldrice,
heahst and haligost, hæleðum gefrægost,
- 395
mæst and mærost, þara þe manna bearn,
fira æfter foldan, folmum geworhte.
To þam meðelstede magan gelædde
Abraham Isaac. Adfyr onbran;
fyrst ferhðbana no þy fægenra wæs.
- 400
Wolde þone lastweard lige gesyllan,
in bælblyse beorna selost,
his swæsne sunu to sigetibre,
angan ofer eorðan yrfelafe,
feores frofre, ða he swa forð gebad,
- 405
leodum to lafe, langsumne hiht.
He þæt gecyðde, þa he þone cniht genam
fæste mid folmum, folccuð geteag
ealde lafe, (ecg grymetode),
þæt he him lifdagas leofran ne wisse
- 410
þonne he hyrde heofoncyninge.
Up aræmde Abraham þa;
se eorl wolde slean eaferan sinne
unweaxenne, ecgum reodan
magan mid mece, gif hine metod lete.
- 415
Ne wolde him beorht fæder bearn ætniman,
halig tiber, ac mid handa befeng.
þa him styran cwom stefn of heofonum,
wuldres hleoðor, word æfter spræc:
"Ne sleh þu, Abraham, þin agen bearn,
- 420
sunu mid sweorde! Soð is gecyðed,
nu þin cunnode cyning alwihta,
þæt þu wið waldend wære heolde,
fæste treowe, seo þe freoðo sceal
in lifdagum lengest weorðan,
- 425
awa to aldre unswiciendo.
Hu þearf mannes sunu maran treowe?
Ne behwylfan mæg heofon and eorðe
his wuldres word, widdra and siddra
þonne befæðman mæge foldan sceattas,
- 430
eorðan ymbhwyrft and uprodor,
garsecges gin and þeos geomre lyft.
He að swereð, engla þeoden,
wyrda waldend and wereda god,
soðfæst sigora, þurh his sylfes lif,
- 435
þæt þines cynnes and cneowmaga,
randwiggendra, rim ne cunnon,
yldo ofer eorðan, ealle cræfte
to gesecgenne soðum wordum,
nymðe hwylc þæs snottor in sefan weorðe
- 440
þæt he ana mæge ealle geriman
stanas on eorðan, steorran on heofonum,
sæbeorga sand, sealte yða;
ac hie gesittað be sæm tweonum
oð Egipte incaðeode
- 445
land Cananea, leode þine,
freobearn fæder, folca selost."
Folc wæs afæred, flodegsa becwom
gastas geomre, geofon deaðe hweop.
Wæron beorhhliðu blode bestemed,
- 450
holm heolfre spaw, hream wæs on yðum,
wæter wæpna ful, wælmist astah.
Wæron Egypte eft oncyrde,
flugon forhtigende, fær ongeton,
woldon herebleaðe hamas findan,
- 455
gylp wearð gnornra. Him ongen genap
atol yða gewealc, ne ðær ænig becwom
herges to hame, ac behindan beleac
wyrd mid wæge. þær ær wegas lagon,
mere modgode, mægen wæs adrenced.
- 460
Streamas stodon, storm up gewat
heah to heofonum, herewopa mæst.
Laðe cyrmdon, (lyft up geswearc),
fægum stæfnum, flod blod gewod.
Randbyrig wæron rofene, rodor swipode
- 465
meredeaða mæst, modige swulton,
cyningas on corðre, cyre swiðrode
sæs æt ende. Wigbord scinon
heah ofer hæleðum, holmweall astah,
merestream modig. Mægen wæs on cwealme
- 470
fæste gefeterod, forðganges weg
searwum æsæled, sand basnodon,
witodre fyrde, hwonne waðema stream,
sincalda sæ, sealtum yðum
æflastum gewuna ece staðulas,
- 475
nacud nydboda, neosan come,
fah feðegast, se ðe feondum geneop.
Wæs seo hæwene lyft heolfre geblanden,
brim berstende blodegesan hweop,
sæmanna sið, oðþæt soð metod
- 480
þurh Moyses hand modge rymde,
wide wæðde, wælfæðmum sweop.
Flod famgode, fæge crungon,
lagu land gefeol, lyft wæs onhrered,
wicon weallfæsten, wægas burston,
- 485
multon meretorras, þa se mihtiga sloh
mid halige hand, heofonrices weard,
on werbeamas. Wlance ðeode
ne mihton forhabban helpendra pað,
merestreames mod, ac he manegum gesceod
- 490
gyllende gryre. Garsecg wedde,
up ateah, on sleap. Egesan stodon,
weollon wælbenna. Witrod gefeol
heah of heofonum handweorc godes,
famigbosma flodwearde sloh,
- 495
unhleowan wæg, alde mece,
þæt ðy deaðdrepe drihte swæfon,
synfullra sweot. Sawlum lunnon
fæste befarene, flodblac here,
siððan hie on bugon brun yppinge,
- 500
modewæga mæst. Mægen eall gedreas
ða gedrencte wæron dugoð Egypta,
Faraon mid his folcum. He onfond hraðe,
siððan grund gestah godes andsaca,
þæt wæs mihtigra mereflodes weard;
- 505
wolde heorufæðmum hilde gesceadan,
yrre and egesfull. Egyptum wearð
þæs dægweorces deop lean gesceod,
forðam þæs heriges ham eft ne com
ealles ungrundes ænig to lafe,
- 510
þætte sið heora secgan moste,
bodigean æfter burgum bealospella mæst,
hordwearda hryre, hæleða cwenum,
ac þa mægenþreatas meredeað geswealh,
spelbodan eac. Se ðe sped ahte,
- 515
ageat gylp wera. Hie wið god wunnon!
þanon Israhelum ece rædas
on merehwearfe Moyses sægde,
heahþungen wer, halige spræce,
deop ærende. Dægword nemnað
- 520
swa gyt werðeode, on gewritum findað
doma gehwilcne, þara ðe him drihten bebead
on þam siðfate soðum wordum,
gif onlucan wile lifes wealhstod,
beorht in breostum, banhuses weard,
- 525
ginfæsten god gastes cægon.
Run bið gerecenod, ræd forð gæð,
hafað wislicu word on fæðme,
wile meagollice modum tæcan
þæt we gesne ne syn godes þeodscipes,
- 530
metodes miltsa. He us ma onlyhð,
nu us boceras beteran secgað
lengran lifwynna. þis is læne dream,
wommum awyrged, wreccum alyfed,
earmra anbid. Eðellease
- 535
þysne gystsele gihðum healdað,
murnað on mode, manhus witon
fæst under foldan, þær bið fyr and wyrm,
open ece scræf. Yfela gehwylces
swa nu regnþeofas rice dælað,
- 540
yldo oððe ærdeað. Eftwyrd cymð,
mægenþrymma mæst ofer middangeard,
dæg dædum fah. Drihten sylfa
on þam meðelstede manegum demeð,
þonne he soðfæstra sawla lædeð,
- 545
eadige gastas, on uprodor,
þær is leoht and lif, eac þon lissa blæd;
dugoð on dreame drihten herigað,
weroda wuldorcyning, to widan feore.
Swa reordode ræda gemyndig
- 550
manna mildost, mihtum swiðed,
hludan stefne; here stille bad
witodes willan, wundor ongeton,
modiges muðhæl; he to mænegum spræc:
"Micel is þeos menigeo, mægenwisa trum,
- 555
fullesta mæst, se ðas fare lædeð;
hafað us on Cananea cyn gelyfed
burh and beagas, brade rice;
wile nu gelæstan þæt he lange gehet
mid aðsware, engla drihten,
- 560
in fyrndagum fæderyncynne,
gif ge gehealdað halige lare,
þæt ge feonda gehwone forð ofergangað,
gesittað sigerice be sæm tweonum,
beorselas beorna. Bið eower blæd micel!"
- 565
æfter þam wordum werod wæs on salum,
sungon sigebyman, (segnas stodon),
on fægerne sweg; folc wæs on lande,
hæfde wuldres beam werud gelæded,
halige heapas, on hild godes.
- 570
Life gefegon þa hie oðlæded hæfdon
feorh of feonda dome, þeah ðe hie hit frecne geneðdon,
weras under wætera hrofas. Gesawon hie þær weallas standan,
ealle him brimu blodige þuhton, þurh þa heora beadosearo wægon.
Hreðdon hildespelle, siððan hie þam herge wiðforon;
- 575
hofon hereþreatas hlude stefne,
for þam dædweorce drihten heredon,
weras wuldres sang; wif on oðrum,
folcsweota mæst, fyrdleoð golan
aclum stefnum, eallwundra fela.
- 580
þa wæs eðfynde Afrisc meowle
on geofones staðe golde geweorðod.
Handa hofon halswurðunge,
bliðe wæron, bote gesawon,
heddon herereafes, hæft wæs onsæled.
- 585
Ongunnon sælafe segnum dælan
on yðlafe, ealde madmas,
reaf and randas. Heo on riht sceodon
gold and godweb, Iosepes gestreon,
wera wuldorgesteald. Werigend lagon
- 590
on deaðstede, drihtfolca mæst.